Please sign and share this petition everywhere in an effort to get the Butterball factory, known for their turkey products investigated regarding allegations that they are abusing young turkeys . It has been noted, through a video, with camera discreetly placed, that baby turkeys were being mutilated and facing horrendous abuse while still alive. Let us ban together to stop this abuse and get the guilty ones prosecuted.
I have to tell you, I was so upset and moved myself that I could not watch this disturbing video, showing how they really handle these young, baby turkeys but, you can use your own discretion if you wish to see firsthand how these animals are treated at This horrific video says it all; these poor babies are being mutilated without painkillers, ground up alive in a macerating machine and thrown and dropped by employees.
A spokesperson for Mercy for Animals organization states that "This investigation graphically illustrates that a culture of cruelty and abuse continues to run rampant at Butterball facilities." In previous cases, employees have been fired and convicted of animal cruelty charges. This devastating video has been turned over to law enforcement in an effort to convict the abusers. Company spokespeople say they have zero-tolerance for animal mistreatment; yet these acts seem to be going on right under their noses!
According to Mercy for Animals, Butterball is responsible for 20 percent of the 252 million turkeys killed each year in the United States. The Raeford hatchery processes more than 300,000 poults per week. This horrific treatment of the baby turkeys in their facility has got to stop; the abuse must end and abusers punished. Please sign and share this petition everywhere in an effort to get the Butterball factory, known for their turkey products investigated regarding allegations that they are abusing young turkeys . It has been noted, through a video, with camera discreetly placed, that baby turkeys were being mutilated and facing horrendous abuse while still alive. Let us ban together to stop this abuse and get the guilty ones prosecuted.
Raeford, N.C. Law Enforcement - please witness this horrific video and thoroughly investigate the Butterball company in your area. Reports are that workers are literally being mutilated without painkillers, ground up alive in a macerating machine and thrown and dropped by employees. Please find out who are the abusers and ensure they lose their licenses, never to work with animals again, they receive very hefty fines and lengthy jail sentences for these appalling, horrific acts. Animal abuse and cruelty should not be tolerated!