Jason Brown, the Nevada man accused of adopting dogs in order to torture and dismember them, is currently being held on $70,000 cash bond. However, there have been news reports that have suggested he may be able to pay his bail out of a trust fund.
Found in Brown's motel room were bloody knives and scissors, dog limbs, dog skins (including that of a newborn puppy), four dog heads in the refrigerator, and the decapitated body of a dog in the bathtub. Two of these dogs, Chihuahua mixes named Fernell and McGee, were given to Brown by a woman who was only trying to find them a new home. Brown is believed to have adopted the other dogs through Craigslist.
Brown previously confided in a close family friend that he was having urges of rage and had even killed a friend's dog. He went on to say that killing dogs made him feel high. When asked by the family friend if he was also having these urges toward humans, Brown simply said, "Dogs are good for right now."
If you believe that Brown should not be free on bail while awaiting trial, please sign this petition.