Stop Foie Gras force feeding!

  • by: Pegii Limberg
  • recipient: The FDA, Foie Gras manifacturing farms, the General public, Stores that buy Foie Gras

It's been going on for decades now, but the fight still isn't over... just yet. It breaks my heart. Surely this revolting pate would leave a bitter taste in the mouth to anyone who has a heart at all. Imagine how much saturated fat is in this crap. There is nothing good in it at all. It's fatty, it's diseased, it's cruel and it is unecessary. All it represents is greed and fashion. It's fashionable to wear a blood diamond, it's fashionable to wear an endangered leopard fur and it's also 'fashionable' to eat the diseased fatty liver of a tortured duck who has never seen the light of day. These are the main reasons highlighting how cruel this vile food is:

  • The women are treated like trash. When the women ducks hatch they are put in a plastic bag and SCALDING HOT WATER is poured onto them until they die a slow and painful death.
  • The vast amounts of feed pumped down the ducks' throats causes enormous internal pressure, and the pipe sometimes punctures the esophagus, causing many to die from choking on the blood that fills their lungs. Some birds literally burst, choke to death on their own vomit, or become so weak that they are unable to fend off rats from eating them alive.
  • In addition to enduring force-feeding, the birds also suffer the same neglectful and abusive treatment of other factory-farmed animals: overcrowding, mutilations (the ends of their beaks are cut off), having all their natural instincts and desires--such as interacting in social groups, mating freely, keeping themselves clean, nurturing their young, exploring their surroundings--thwarted, and eventually being sent to a violent death by slaughter. Throughout the weeks of force-feeding, the birds are kept in either a group pen or an individual cage with only wire or plastic-mesh floors to stand and sleep on.
  • Force feeding ducks and geese requires enormous amounts of grain. During the force feeding period alone, they are fed up to 1 kg (2.2 lbs) of genetically modified corn per day. Over a three to four week period, this amounts to consumption of up to 20 kg (44 lbs) per bird. Multiply that by the approximately 500,000 ducks and geese who are force fed to produce foie gras in the US annually and the result is an industry that requires 10,000,000 kg (22,000,000 lbs) of grain every year.
  • Foie gras is a diseased liver and is loaded with saturated fat and cholesterol. Dr. Michael Greger found that "microscopic infectious protein fibers in foie gras may trigger and accelerate a variety of serious human diseases in susceptible individuals via a 'mad cow disease' - like mechanism."

This is all for an revoltingly overpriced, all around revolting and unhealthy appetizer that anyone can do without.  Sign this petition NOW to end this barbaric practise sooner rather than later. Think of the ducks. Think of the torture.

Click here for more info on how to stop it.

Update #110 years ago
Nearly there! Nearly winning the fight! Spread the word! Share on Twitter, Facebook and Google+!!
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