Voice your opposition to the Niantic River Shellfish farm.
- by: Doulas S
- recipient: The US Army Corps of Engineers
The following information was recently received from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, regarding a business's request to operate a shellfish farm on 6+ acres of the environmentally fragile, and already overused Niantic River Estuary between Waterford and East Lyme CT.
While no one should be opposed to responsible, renewable aquaculture OR business development, this request gives little time for public input on key matters, such as public safety, and environmental protection, as the 6+ acre site on the estuary will be "off-limits" to recreational boaters, and will force them to use other locations on the estuary, such as the eelgrass beds, which are the natural nursery for Niantic Bay Scallops.
We encourage everyone to voice their opinion and request a public hearing with the Army Corps of Engineers.
US Army Corps of Engineers
File Number: NAE-2017-00205
And what you need to know about it. . .
The US Army Corps of Engineers is seeking public input on the installation of 6,537 commercial shellfish
racks and trays in 6.4 acres of the southeast portion of our Niantic River adjacent to the Mago Point Public
Boat Launch. These will be for the sole financial benefit of one commercial business. Over 4,200 of the
trays will protrude up to 21 inches above the water for over 13 hours per day and the remaining 2,000
will be protrude up to 11 inches for over 4 hours per day. At any given time, we will get to view over 6,500
steel bar and PVC commercial shell fish racks and trays protruding up to 21 inches above the water. The
sunsets will no longer reflect in the water. A tragic loss to our local community. And for what? - the
commercial economic benefit of one sole proprietorship! Let me repeat – ONE person’s economic benefit.
But wait, there is more: When built, 6.4 acres of already limited small boat recreational space will be
removed from the public use. Kayak, canoe, paddle board, small power boats, and jet skis will no longer
be able to use this space. While they will tell you it is only 5% of the usable space of the entire river, it is
nearly 100% of the usable space on the southeast end of the river where the majority of the public access
use is conducted. Note – this is the recreational area in front of the boat launch and public access beach
that will now be cut off from public use.
And there is a safety aspect. When implemented, the kayaks, paddle boards, small boats, and jet skis will
be forced into the channel for recreation or worse, forced into the adjacent mooring field. This has all
kinds of safety concerns as well as pushing small power boats and jet skis closer to shore in the mooring
field. This is an accident, and likely accidents, waiting to happen.
If this concerns you, and it should, what can you do to have your voice heard?
Contact: Cori M. Rose in reference to File Number: NAE-2017-00205 at: cori.m.rose@usace.army.mil and
demand in writing: (1) a public hearing be held and state reasons why; and (2) this proposal be denied.
Contact: Waterford / East Lyme Shellfish Commission (WELSCO), C/O Richard R. Miller, 15 Rope Ferry Rd,
Waterford, CT 06385 or call 860-440-0548.
So that you can have the real facts surrounding this issue, a copy of the PUBLIC NOTICE from the US Army
Corps of Engineers is provided as well as a more expansive analysis of the impact on public space
constraints, visual effects, and safety. For ongoing information, follow the Facebook Page: Niantic River
Advocacy Coalition.
If you are an advocate for the river, now is the time to advocate!
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