Thousands of Feral Cats are kills because their overpopular

  • by: sabrina lim
  • recipient: The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service & The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service

Because of the overpopular of the Feral Cats in Australia, they decide to hunt and kill the cats instead finding another way to prevent the overpopular of the Feral Cats,

"We don't care how they kill them as long as we get rid of them," said organiser Rod Haines, a hunter who runs Pine Creek's Lazy Lizard caravan park.
"You can shoot them from a helicopter, run them over on the road, get them with a bow and arrow or chuck a stick of dynamite at them."

Tell me is the cruelty or not, if there is overpopular homeless people, do you kill them in this way.

Many of animal lovers have found the way to prevent the overpopulation of the cats, why can't Australia do that.

The only reason why they are scare and attack people is because they never meet human till somebody decide to murder them, I hope that The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service & The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service can send those animal out of the country, to somebody who could help them, instead just kill them off like that.

Worse part is you can kill your neighour's cat.

"Anything that steps off the veranda is fair game," Mr Haines said. "You can knock off a neighbour's cat if it's not been locked up at night, as it should be. I'm not a cruel man but these animals are wiping out our native wildlife. We are just giving Mother Nature a helping hand."

A letter to SPANA, They are an animal welfare charity for the working animals of the world. Their website is

"Hi, is there another way to help save the Feral cats from been hunted by the hunter just because they overpopular the forest, I know that they are endangering the other native animal around the area, but I just find it not fair for them to kill those Feral Cats just because of this.

I know it is might be not fair to compare, but I know there are whale and other animals in the world that are hunt and kill by human, if those human endanger those animals, not isn't it.

So why blame those Feral Cats from all this, it is their human owner who abandon them, forcing them into the forest and have babies, if their human owners do some precaution, this will never happened, other country also faces this problem, but they overcome without even kill those Feral Cats. Those cats can be save, they might fierce because they are born in the wild, if we could teach them about love and that we can be trusted, they can be house cats.

I have get people to sign petition against this cruelty to Feral Cats in Australia, please help us save those Feral Cats, don't let those cats be the victim, they are not murderer, they are victim, those hunters are murderer, they kill those cats without mercy.
Thank you."

A letter to SPANA, They are an animal welfare charity for the working animals of the world. Their website is

"Hi, is there another way to help save the Feral cats from been hunted by the hunter just because they overpopular the forest, I know that they are endangering the other native animal around the area, but I just find it not fair for them to kill those Feral Cats just because of this.

I know it is might be not fair to compare, but I know there are whale and other animals in the world that are hunt and kill by human, if those human endanger those animals, not isn't it.

So why blame those Feral Cats from all this, it is their human owner who abandon them, forcing them into the forest and have babies, if their human owners do some precaution, this will never happened, other country also faces this problem, but they overcome without even kill those Feral Cats. Those cats can be save, they might fierce because they are born in the wild, if we could teach them about love and that we can be trusted, they can be house cats.

I have get people to sign petition against this cruelty to Feral Cats in Australia, please help us save those Feral Cats, don't let those cats be the victim, they are not murderer, they are victim, those hunters are murderer, they kill those cats without mercy.
Thank you."

Update #110 years ago
They are now blaming the wolf? What is wrong with Australia?
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