Let our voices join in honor of Cecil. With approximately 30,000 African lions left in the wild, we can’t afford to lose any more. Thank you for signing, please keep signing and sharing....it's working!
Every year, trophy hunters kill thousands of exotic wild animals, representing hundreds of different species, mostly in foreign countries such as Africa.. They prefer to kill the most beautiful, the biggest and the rarest. The most recent being, Cecil the Lion in Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe. He was protected...he was living in a National Park....this should have never happened.
Every year more and more wildlife are going on the endangered or nearly extinct lists due to poaching and trophy hunting. The hunters have no respect for wildlife and are only doing it to brag and mount heads on a wall. Trophy hunters do not care about conservation, as they want you to believe. What they care about is killing the biggest and the best to bring home and mount and sit around with their buddies bragging about the kill.
Canada is the only country that permits hunting polar bears for sport. The decreasing global polar bear population -- 30 per cent in three generations (45 years), according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature in 2008 -- has led other countries to ban the hunt for other than subsistence purposes.
The planet has 20,000-25,000 polar bears.
Sport hunting polar bears brings in $1.3 million/year based on 2009 estimates, while the cost of a single polar bear hunts ranges from $20,000-$60,000.
In the last 100 years the B.C. grizzly bear population fell from an estimated 35,000 to possibly as low as 6,000.
This has to STOP before we have no more beautiful animals left!
The list of hunted species is long and includes more common species such as black bears, zebras, giraffes, baboons and also endangered species including elephants, leopards and white rhinos...the Black Rhino and the Puma are now extinct....mostly due to killing for sport.
By signing and sharing this petition.... together we CAN make a difference. Thank you to everyone from all over the world that took the time to sign this and help make that difference.