The Mama Bear Daniza has been killed and Italians rise up, demanding justice!
Italian people, animal-rights activists and associations (ENPA, WWF, LIPU, LEGAMBIENTE, LAV, Aidaa and many others), several political organizations, national and international petitions asked Ugo Rossi, Governor of Provincia di Trento, for stopping persecute poor Daniza.
Hunting Daniza was really unjustified: Daniza just bit a shoe of Daniele Maturi and scratched him very very lightly, when she was with her puppies and noticed that the man was peeking at them. This proves that Daniza was a very timid bear, not aggressive/dangerous at all!
But Ugo Rossi has been indifferent, incompetent, greedy and primitive, so Daniza is dead, now.
Provincia Autonoma of Trento took many million euros for the Life Ursus project (re-introducing bears in Trentino). But Trentino has a high rate of poaching. Daniza is not the first victim after the reckless re-introduction of bears in that region! Furthermore, it seems that it has been a while since in that area a plan for enlarging a ski resort is ready, but the plan was capt on hold because that was the area where Daniza lived! Many Italians suspect that some people in Trentino wanted only a pretext to kill Daniza in favour of business and pocketing money.
People, associations, organizations, public opinion cry aloud and want that Ugo Rossi RESIGN!
He brought shame upon Trentino and Italy. Please help to get justice and prevent other similar, heinous acts. Thanks.