Please sign and share this petition everywhere possible in an effort to urge N.D. Government Officials to implement better regulations along with hire more inspectors in an effort to prevent further wastewater accidents. Recent news verifies that wastewater is far more dangerous for the environment, wildlife and vegetation than oil. N.D. needs to implement better laws to prevent future wastewater spills.
The news recently revealed a wastewater spill from oil wells into the N.D. Streams. It appears that not enough is being done to clean up, control and prevent such further incidents than the recent spill, affecting the wildlife, environment and vegetation. Through current debates, everyone agrees on the fact that accidents can and do happen, despite all precautions. However, this can be disastrous for all involved.
During drilling and transporting of oil, there was a leakage of wastewater; water that contains extreme salt levels 13 times that of the ocean along with radioactive material, oil and chemicals. Most often these wastewaters are transported through separate pipelines but when the pipeline breaks, it can become catastrophic very quickly. The most recent leak resulted in three million gallons of wastewater getting into the Blacktail Creek of N.D.
These pipeline companies like the Meadowlark Midstream may take these wastewater spills very serious but despite all efforts, things occur. When they do, it is nearly impossible and tricky to clean up a wastewater spill as opposed to oil. Better regulations need to be implemented against these types of accidents along with hiring more inspectors to continually check the pipelines to ensure no breaks or leakage. Any leakage noted should be cleaned up in record time so that a substantial amount of wastewater does not affect the environment, wildlife and vegetation.
We can't allow another catastrophic wastewater leak like the most recent sizeable one of last month. Help us in our efforts to urge N.D. Government Law Officials to implement better regulations that could prevent future incidents along with hiring more inspectors of these pipelines that can also help to prevent leaks and breaks that are crucial in preventing such spills and accidents. Please sign and share this petition on all media sites to make our voice heard and protect the environment.
N.D. Government Law Officials - Although accidents can happen, such occurrences can be very catastrophic and fatal for the environment, wildlife and vegetation. Wastewater spills like the recent accident is very tricky and extremely hard to clean up, killing a lot of living organisms in its path. Of course this was not an intentional happening, but more needs to be done to prevent future accidents. We encourage you to implement better regulations that could prevent such future incidents along with hiring more inspectors of these pipelines that can also help to prevent leaks and breaks that are crucial in preventing such spills and accidents. Stop future wastewater spills from oil wells into the N.D. Stream
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