Mixon and Stewart posted pictures on Facebook of torturing a horse. They flipped the horse in order to hog tie its feet, stepped on the horse and whipped it. According to Oklahoma Law, flipping/tripping a horse is against the law.
In another posted picture, one of the men was sitting on the horse and digging his spurs into the horse's neck.
All animals, like humans are sentient beings - they think, remember, feel, show emotions, reason, act and love. If someone abused a child or a person and posted pictures on line, wouldn't this be evidence of abuse? Why aren't the posted pictures evidence of abuse?
I contacted Millerton's local vet's office and asked them if they examined the horse. They did not return my call.
People need to understand that this horse was mentally, emotionally, psychologically, physically and spiritually abused. The intention of these men was to break this horse's spirit and in order to break anyone's spirit, there has to be mental, emotional and physical abuse, which is evident from the posted pictures.
. https://www.facebook.com/167941188029/photos/o.349477501920622/10152946756073030/?type=https://www.facebook.com/Horseharslytrained
There is speculation that the horse is dead and folks want evidence that it is alive.
Enough is enough - abuse is abuse - and the photos are evidence of it.
These men should be in jail for what they did to this horse.
Please sign this petition to Oklahoma's Attorney General demanding justice for this horse.
UPDATE: I filed a consumer complaint with Oklahoma's Attorney General and they submitted the complaint to Kay County District Attorney, Brian Hermanson, who is going to investigate the case. I was told that the case against Mixon and Stewart had to go to another county because of "local politics" in Millerton. So folks, there is hope that these two animal abusers will have their day in court.
Another Update: I heard from Oklahoma's Attorney General's Office and it seems there was a clerical error: The letter I received should have been sent to McCurtain County DA, Mark Matloff and not the Kay County DA. What stinks about this is that Mark Matloff is - allegedly - a friend of Mixon and Stewart's and did NOT press charges even though Mark told me that what these two did to that horse was despicable. And Mark knows that flipping/tripping a horse is against Oklahoma Law, aand he knows that animal abuse is a FELONY in all 50 states. We should circulate a petition for his resignation......that's the next one!
Blessings to everyone who signed this petition - we're not giving up!
When we see or hear of an animal being abused, and do nothing about it, we are just as guilty of the crime as the perpetrators.
Thank you for your support - we are adding Light to the darkness when we take a stand against it.
PS. I heard that Mixon has a bounty on folks and threats have been made to people to stay out of McCurtain County.