Stop Big Cat Rescue and other Sanctuaries from dictating owning in California.
Big Cat Rescue is using false information about hybrid cats to promote her ban of these cats. Her premise is they are aggressive, wild, urinate and defecate all throughout owners home. These animals are prone to varies health issues, and make horrible pets. She also states that if these cats breed with feral population it will cause harm to wildlife. This is not true. Early generation males are sterile until 5th generation, and cannot reproduce with feral colony. Savanah and Bengals breeders require sterilization for registration of females, and proof, many spay and neuter before hand if traveling out of state. Most problems are from backyard breeders who do not properly socialized or mass produce kittens with no care for the welfare of their cats or kittens. Savannahs and Bengals are loving, intelligent, curious, and energetic cats, and owners must understand they are prone to mischief, and need a great deal of attention. Hybrid cats have never killed a human, and there is no reason to restrict ownership of these pets. Big Cat Rescue founder was a hybrid breeder and also had a huge personal zoo. What these sponsoring sanctuaries do not want you to know is owners use them as their personal zoos. There are many rescues for Savannahs and Bengals. Very few, end up in shelters as they claim. One of the sponcering sanctuaries recently tried to buy a early generation Savannah from a California breeder. If they have so many, why would they need to purchase one? A example of Big Cat Rescue's lies is a video a caregiver did how wild the captive animals are. He went to a empty enclosure next to the cats and turned his back, and the cats jumpwd at his back through the fence. What they do not tell you, is in zoos, they teach the animals to jump up on the enclosure that way to inspect their bodies. Often rhe caregivers will give them food and treats. This is a non invasive way to check the animal's health without using drugs on the animals. Big Cat Rescue lies, the owner's past is questionable, and I believe that this is geared towards these sanctuaries getting their hands on younger generation hybrids for their personal zoos. There are many responsible loving owners and breeders. With any breed, you will have irresponsible owners and unethical breeders. It is wrong to punish responsible owners for others behaviors. I own two Bengals and I love them, and they are not aggressive. There are many owners that love their hybrids just as much as I do. I ask you to let The Department of Wildlife Fish and Game know you are opposed to this! Also, if you ban an animal these cats will be euthanized if they enter a shelter. If we open up banning breeds, soon other breeds will also be banned too
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