Regulate the livestock Markets in India - Suman Malik Kadyan

Animals are being treated as Goods and livestock markets are not under control in India, please support this petition because draft rules to regulate under consideration with the Animal Welfare Division.
- Abhishek Kadyan with Ms. Sukanya Berwal.

Animal Welfare Division published the draft for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Regulation of Livestock Markets) Rules, 2016, which is being introduced for public comments as per section 38 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, hence I Naresh Kadyan along with Abhishek Kadyan, Ms. Suman Malik Kadyan and Ms. Sukanya Kadyan Berwal submitting our comments as under: 1. Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 is a toothless legislation and all offenses against Rules made out under section 38 of this Act are non cognizable, bailable in legal terms with minor punishments, whereas this points be looked into and all offenses against proposed draft should be cognizable, non-bailable in legal terms with major punishments. 2. Animal being living creatures, who have feelings and five liberties, need not be covered under the definition of Goods and this point should be clarified. 3. Camel have no rules for transportation, even No ISI specified vehicles have been Introduced in India, prototype prepared, hence same also be clarified the mechanism of Camel shifting, while finalizing the proposed draft. 4. Birds, which covered under the protection cover of the Wildlife Protection Act, 1972 needs not be traded, which already prohibited but same should be clarified. 5. Animal abuser registry also be prepared and second offenses against proposed draft rules also be looked into. 6. SPCA and Infirmaries be functional replacing toothless PCA Act, 1960. 7. Poultry birds should not be treated as a product of agriculture, being living creatures, who have feelings and five liberties, needs to be looked into. 8. Indian Army, Police and Para Military Forces procured animals from the open markets but when animals comes under their custody then animal rights are being forfeited and exempted under the legal provisions of the PCA Act, 1960, hence each and every animals have right to life with five liberties read with the article 51 A (g) of Indian Constitution, hence this point should be clarified in attached draft.

Update #18 years ago
Animals have legal rights of life but these speechless creatures became goods for the Universe and treated as commodity, which is wrong and against the natural justice. I along with Abhishek Kadyan of Toronto in Canada, Ms. Suman Malik Kadyan and Ms. Sukanya Kadyan Berwal endorsing our sincerely thanks to every one, who supported our vision towards animals.
Today, we are going to conclude this petition and handed over to the concerned.
Naresh Kadyan,
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