A Department of Environmental Conservation official's statement regarding their stand on Wildlife Killing Contests: " the DEC does not endorse or sponsor competitive hunting events"
That statement alone agrees with the opinion of the majority of voting citizens of the State of New York. As presented in Bill S2634 & A3855 "Animal killing competitions can generally be described as contests where the person or team who has killed the most animals is crowned the winner.
Many of these contests are sponsored by bars and the killing of animals is generally regarded as "good fun" in a party-like atmosphere. These events are considered by the average hunter as cruel slaughters, not hunting.
One would hope this bill also be amended to include wildlife taken weighing the most, largest, most unique in coloration; to be added to any contest criteria legislation.
To offer monetary prizes &/or firearm prizes not only demeans our respect in wildlife but debases our hunting heritage to nothing more than a blood-sporting mentality.
Enlisting our children to partake of these events also instills the wrong respect for nature. That should come with outdoor experience not with the classic, brutal blood-sport environment these events generate.
One would hope we leave behind to the next generation a sense of responsibility & conservation where one finds no justification in the taking of any animal simply for pleasure, entertainment or prizes.