Be Their Voice! Be Ready! Spread Awareness!

  • by: Carol Alcantar
  • recipient: People Everywhere! - YOU, Family, Friends, Neighbors

Shocking, horrific, deliberate, depraved acts of animal cruelty all across the globe every single day! While longer prison terms and stiffer penalties are essential as law enforcement tools they are not enough! Even more important is stopping the suffering early, or as it happens. The best thing we the public can do is report animal cruelty! If someone you know is abusing animals, YOU CAN HELP!

Tips for Reporting Animal Cruelty:

1. Find out where to report cruelty for your locale. These people typically work for your local humane organization, animal control agency, taxpayer-funded animal shelter or police precinct.

2. Provide a concise, written, factual statement of what you observed (give dates and times).

3. Photograph the abusive situation and date your pictures.

4. Get short, factual written witness statements when possible.

5. Keep a record of your contact information (person, date, discussion content and outcome).

6. Always keep a copy of documents for your own file!

7. Make clear to the agent your interest and willingness to help however you can.

8. Follow up! If you don't receive a timely response, present your information to the officers supervisor.

9. If witnessed yourself, go to your local police commissioner and swear out a warrant to summon the accused to court.

10. Expert witnesses can make or break a case! A veterinarian can sign a statement that it's their "expert opinion" that a dog suffers when hit with a chain, is deprived of food, etc.

---Rescued animals should be taken to No Kill Shelters or ASPCA  (when possible) ---Facebook pages can bring fans and prompt a strong, publicized public outcry to pet welfare issues!

"We must be vigilant!" The most effective tool we have is ourselves being proactive and observant while equipped with our individualized contact list and a plan to follow. Our camera always close at hand as we report animal cruelty. CALL TO ACTION: Sign this petition now to pledge that you will be observant, ready and willing to report animal abuse and follow up. "Our animals deserve it, and our humanity demands it!"

Please SHARE far and wide – Citizens must step up our involvement! - BE THEIR VOICE!


Update #210 years ago

One of the most common forms of animal cruelty is ABANDONMENT! Pet owners fail to understand and control the pet behavior and they just abandon them. Rescue shelters are doing all they can but pet owner's who abandon animal life so callously can't even acknowledge their own cruelty! We need to wake people up! KEEP SHARING this awareness/call to action petition which now includes a video. We can make a difference by keeping it going/sharing/retweeting! DO IT FOR THE ANIMALS WE LOVE!!!

Update #110 years ago
We must be vigilant! Reporting animal Cruelty is the most proactive effective weapon we have!
Please SHARE far and wide – Citizens must step up our involvement!---Be Their Voice!!!
Help to create awareness! Get your family, friends and neighbors involved today.

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