Mercy For Animals recently released an undercover video of the horrendous conditions and sadistic torture that has been inflicted on the dairy cattle at CANADA'S largest factory farm known as Chilliwack Cattle Sales, located in Chilliwack, B.C.
Any decent, caring individual can see that these animals have been made to suffer LONG-TERM abuses as exhibited by untreated pus-filled ulcerations on their bodies and weeping open sores on their legs. These poor animals live in constant terror thanks to a barrage of beatings and inhumane treatment.
What makes this case even more despicable is the attitude of the KOOYMAN family who own and operate this facility. Their first press release was sent out stating that the family knew NOTHING about the "alleged" abuses. The release also included the names of two local veterinarians who swore that the family ran an impeccable operation. Later, on national tv, their representative stated that there is ALWAYS a member of their family on the worksite at EVERY shift.
ALL of those statements are now highly questionable in light of the irrefutable evidence of the video. As a further insult, the eight workers caught on video were initially only suspended from their jobs. The eight were only fired days later after a firestorm of attention was brought to bear on the Kooyman family.
We need to ramp up the pressure and DEMAND that B.C.'s Mnister of Agriculture and the B.C. Dairy Association initiate an Animal Abuse Registry to monitor and shut down if need be, any facilities such as this one.
As well, these facilities need to undergo monthly inspections from a Government Certified Veterinarian (not local veterinarians who are friends of the family). These inspections should be unannounced in order to enure that mistreatment of animals is not being deliberately hidden.
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