As first reported by NBC, disturbing PETA eyewitness investigations—the first of their kind—reveal that workers killed, beat, stomped on, kicked, mutilated, and threw sheep around as they sheared them in Australia, the world’s top wool exporter, and the U.S. Please, won’t you help these animals? As you can see in this groundbreaking video footage, sheep shearers in Australia violently punched these gentle animals in the face and beat and jabbed them in the head with sharp metal clippers and even a hammer. These attacks often left the petrified sheep bleeding from their eyes, noses, and mouths. It’s not better for sheep in the United States. One shearer repeatedly twisted and bent a sheep’s neck, breaking it. After the shearer kicked the sheep head-first down a chute, PETA’s investigator found her dead. The shearer bent, twisted, and bounced his bodyweight on dozens of sheep’s necks and forelimbs and poked his fingers into sheep’s eyes.