On the Western Coast of South India, Karnataka, that is a delight to drive through, the stark sight of hundreds of Crane Chicks and Sea Crows, lying crushed, injured or mangled beyond recognition, hits out in horror - to anybody driving past on the stretch of the National Highway NH 17, between the towns of Kundapur and Honnavar. And for what fault of theirs?
The work of widening this stretch has been started, but as in previous cases, in a very haphazard method - that not only destroys several tress which have been standing for hundreds of years,but also renders hundreds of young birds shelterless.
Even while the locals had pleaded with the contractors undertaking this work, to help save the birds, their requests where not heeded. For the past decades, the Sea Crows and Cranes set up their nests in the month of May and then give birth to their young ones. Come late September or the beginning of October, when their wings become strong enough, the young birds then fly away. Unfortunately this year, many of these tender lives have been snuffed short. Just a couple of weeks more, and they would have all survived!
As of now, because of the local protests, the project has been stopped temporarily, but without a stronger voice, the contractors may suddenly start up again.
What we need right now is for all of us who care about these little birds in the trees, further down the stretch that, any day may fall under the axe, to just give these birds a little more time to live so that they can fly away to a little longer life!