Sign to let this magazine know what you think of their Recipe for Mountain Lion Tacos by a Taxidermist. This article is extremely offensive and un-civilized. We are disgusted with the mentality of this very dark individual that makes his living on murdering and trophy making of our beautiful wildlife. These beautiful Mountain Lions, that are in all reality, very few in numbers as a result of human encroachment and bloodlusting hunters. The people that are against hunting are disappointed at your magazines callus, biased article displaying a raunchy recipe to disgust the rational and compassionate intellectual, some even Vegan, that might pick up your magazine to read a Whole Foods. Please do not glorify the cruelty displayed by the "Wild West" types in Nevada for future articles.
This article is extremely offensive and un-civilized. We are disgusted with the mentality of this very dark individual that makes his living on murdering and trophy making of our beautiful wildlife. Unfortunately, you, and possibly those directly around you, have evidently decided this was politically correct for your magazine. Not true, "Hunters", present a false presentation of their numbers, in actuality, they are only 5% of the population at the most in any state. Since hunters are the only ones that would consider such a macobb style of flesh to prepare and eat, I am not sure how many actually enjoyed such a recipe. This is also presents as an environmental attack by this very dark individual on our wildlife. Hunting of Mountain Lions is a highly controversial issue between Wildlife advocates and Hunters. The Hunters have been blatantly using political power over the public's will displaying a very corrupt system to promote killing of our wildlife. Nevada still uses the outdated Comprehensive Mountain Lion Management Plan written in 1995. Decisions regarding mountain lions in Nevada appear to be increasingly dictated by politics rather than sound science. Nevada's mountain lion hunting quota remains high,and the Nevada Board of Wildlife Commission (NBWC) approved three projects sought by private sportsmen groups to kill mountain lions as predators of favored game species mule deer and sage grouse. This approval was made despite arguments against the plan presented by the Director of the Nevada Department of Wildlife. This particular hunter that you choose to highlight also has a taxidermy business, and enjoys the glorifying of Trophy hunting, which, according to Former FBI profiler, John Douglas, "Killers like to take trophies and souvenirs from their victims." and Former FBI and FBI Consultant, Robert Ressler, "The killers might pick women or men, adults or children. The motivations might be sexual. They could be racial. Some killers keep souvenirs of their victims; other take grisly trophies, such as body parts, to maintain in a place of honor in their homes." These beautiful Mountain Lions that are in all reality very few in numbers as a result of human encroachment and bloodlusting hunters. So, the people that are against hunting are disappointed at your magazines callus, biased article displaying a raunchy recipe to disgust the rational and compassionate intellectual, some even Vegan, that might pick up your magazine to read a Whole Foods. Please do not glorify the cruelty displayed by the "Wild West" types in Nevada for future articles.
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