Right now as I write. The Interior Dept. of our Government 's Bureau of Land Management is rounding up the absolute last wild horses in the checkerboard area's of Wyoming and Utah . This has been brought about by the council persons and the Cattlemen's Assoc. in these states . The B.L.M. has 22,000,000 million acres of public lands that they manage for multi-use areas which they use for recreation for the American public, energy exploration. mining , grazing rights which are leased out to the ranchers for the price of $1.35 per cow and calf pair or 5 sheep.There are 1,322,000 cattle on Public Lands compare to 19,000 wild horses left in the wilds of the west. Most people think that this is for our food supply but in reality most of these cattle are raised for export , We actually use less than 10% of the beef raised here for our tables.The states of our western nation are right now pressuring congress to let them manage the horse herds in their states . That would be very wrong since these wild horses are already federally protected by a law made in 1972 by Ronald Reagan . The wild horses have been harassed , rounded up by terrorizing them with helicopters , imprisoned , without shelther,separated families , dying in holding either being euthanized for imperfections such as a club foot but was able to be run for many miles before coming to that end , babies too, being run so hard that their young hoof walls separate and have to be put down. Mares aborting their foals due to being run so hard . These are just some of the crimes that we Americans can put straight . We need to demand a stop to greed of these people and special interest groups. The BLM. also has a rule that if a horse is not adopted after being shown 3 times at an adoption event they are put into long term holding. But this too is suspect as wild horses have crossed borders to and have went to slaughter . Can you imagine being wild one day, and staring at a human with a gun the next . I can't, can you? We have to stop this ! Congress needs to step up and get the BLM under control . Stop the lies and the behind the scenes terreor and the secrecy . Did you know that if any public person (you or me) was to stop by any holding area where the horses are held, we would not be able to get in? Why? If there is nothing to hide , why can't we get in? The adoptions should be better advertised including online adoptions . Please help me get their attention now!!!