This is my attempt to give voice to the voiceless. Every animal deserves to live and should not be killed for any purpose unnecessarily.
In India, there's an age-old custom of sacrificing animals to please deities and Gods. People accept the ritual and sacrifice animals on some occasions like childbirth, marriage, "jatras" to name a few. This is a kind of superstition which people refuse to accept. People are so god-fearing that they refuse to stop the ritual even if they know that this is wrong.
India today is quite developed and must give up these unwanted and unhumane acts in the name of selfishly performed sacrifice rituals. Please sign the petition and make this cause we're fighting for, possible. Let us see the world co-exist and let us save the environmental balance.
This is my attempt to give voice to the voiceless. Every animal deserves to live and should not be killed for any purpose unnecessarily.
In India, there's an age-old custom of sacrificing animals to please deities and Gods. People accept the ritual and sacrifice animals on some occasions like childbirth, marriage, "jatras" to name a few. This is a kind of superstition which people refuse to accept. People are so god-fearing that they refuse to stop the ritual even if they know that this is wrong.
India today is quite developed and must give up these unwanted and unhumane acts in the name of selfishly performed sacrifice rituals. Please sign the petition and make this cause we're fighting for, possible. Let us see the world co-exist and let us save the environmental balance.
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