Each year, when spring approaches in northeastern Canada the world's largest slaughter of mammals on the planet occurs: more than 300,000 seals, most between 12 days and three months old you are bludgeoned to death only for their fur . Many of these seals are still conscious when being skinned.
We must stop this senseless slaughter once and for all, this barbarism that lasts too long ago! The Government of Canada has to understand that it makes no sense to continue funding this activity actually seal hunt represents only 5% of the income of Canadian fishermen, the other 95% comes from fishing; then, to continue to afford such unprofitable and inhumane activity? But nevertheless, despite repeated attempts by various NGO's and global opposition to such practices, in Belgium, the UK, Holland, Italy and more countries are closing their markets to any product derived from seal, and that US imports and is directly prohibited Government of Canada remains committed to continue subsidizing this game; Well, let's give them the weak point: trade in seafood. United States is the largest buyer of seafood in Canada, so if we can convince them to stop the trade in seafood until it ceases seal hunt, quite possibly Canada reconsider if really makes them follow the same path and risk having multibillion-dollar losses or finally change their attitude and stop exercising this wild and unnecessary activity for the benefit of everyone.
It is time to put an end to this macabre story once and for all, and only you can do it, so let us send you a million signatures! we generate such a large protest it impossible for them to ignore!
for the seals
Sonny Perdue
U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, DC 20250
Information Hotline: (202) 720-2791
Update #19 years ago
thank you very much for signing my petition, I would ask another favor, please, tell your family and friends who also sign, tell everyone you know to sign and they tell their family and friends who also sign; at the Institute, at work, etc. We will need all possible signatures to get change this
Thanks again;)