We must protect our beautiful little planet EARTH, now that we are getting first pictures of icy Pluto, covered by glaciers of nitrogen and methane ice, and we have a lot of knowledge about the other 8 planets. NONE OF THEM IS like our EARTH! We must help EARTH remain alive! Please create parks, reserves, where plants, animals, birds, turtles, can heal and thrive, free of poachers, corruption, destruction, suffering! Just a small remark, EBAY alone is selling more than 17,000 animals/body parts, birds, turtles EVERY DAY on its taxidermy sites! How much longer can our Planet suffer the violation of her equilibrium, her being?
PLEASE, as much as possible, create little spots on EARTH, where trees will not be cut, monkeys, elephants, turtles, rare birds will not be KILLED. Where there are NO poachers, no HUNTING, no animal sufferings Leonardo da VINCI knew that animals feel pain! Please help EARTH in perpetuity!
Update #48 years ago
It is Earth Day, Earth Day is every day! Please help protect this blue-green planet of ours, the only place in the Universe where life is known to exist! Protecting our Earth should be your main goal, everybody's goal, because without our Planet we are nothing!
Update #38 years ago
Mr. Gates, Mr. Buffett, Mr. Branson, and more, please join together and help preserve our Earth, create open spaces, protect the AMAZON! Earth is Small, it is a "PALE BLUE DOT"! Our Galaxy is in a SUPERCLUSTER of GALAXIES called LANIAKEA - Immensurable HEAVEN, where our SUN itself is a tiny dot! Mr. Gates, Mr. Branson you have the means to preserve the BLUE DOT, our HOME!
Update #29 years ago
Hello, As you know, the UN Climate Change Conference started in Paris. As part of this conference, the Breakthrough Energy Coalition was launched backed by high-profile entrepreneurs like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson. The idea is to develop new green technology that will increase the energy output without contributing to global warming!
Update #19 years ago
Hello, Thank you for your signatures on this petition. We do need more signatures, so please spread the word. Now, more than ever we need people with vision and means to help our EARTH heal and stay beautiful and healthy, with clean air, waters, to help our forests and wildlife exist and thrive! We need more parks free of poachers, loggers! We need to maintain our EARTH, because we are not going to colonize other worlds soon!