Yes another petition to china (again)
(litle update) tears in my eyes for all you people thanks for being with me in this petition so many thanks I hope I can make the diference for all the animals thousant thanks I love you all.
I will print all of your signatures out and make sure it will be delivered by the president him self one way ore the other.
The litle puppy on the picture is skinned alive because the more pain the more taste of the meat that is what the chinees beleve its only a puppy Why ?
A racoon is looking in the camera he is shaking his eye's asking WHY his skin is ripped from his whole body but he is still alive even after he was trowed on the ground by his tail .
a beautyfull white dog is hang up in a tree on his troat he screams because a chinees man is holding his leg and slam him with a stick at the hardest posible way he can on his body and on his head for 15 minutes just when de pour dog is want to give it up the man get him out of the tree and walks with him inside the kitchen to cut of his troat .
two chinees cooks holding a dog with tape on his mouth above boiling water than slowly put the dog with his behind legs into the water the dog wants to yell but can not the man are smilling when the dogs start to make strange moves to get out of there than the dog past out after 10 horrible minutes.
a big truck is coming into town with a load of steal cages the cages are full with dogs 10 dogs in a cage of 1 by 1 meters they are sitting on top of eatchother there legs are comming out of the cages than the truck driver stops and trows the cages from the top of the truck on the ground legs are breaking you can hear them screem some dogs cant breath any more because he his pushed in the corner of the cage by the other scary dogs.
than they get hit with a stick to make the adrenaline pumping in their body's the chinees thinks the meat is better if the dogs have their adrenaline pumping before they die.
another dog is lying on the street his legs are tight up to eathother the sun is shinning on him all day long no water no food he is waiting until somebody is buying him for the next evening meal.
10 dogs are sitting behind a truck on the local maket of china they are getting punishment for barking they also waiting for somebody who wanna buy them for their evening meal and if they get sold than what is going to happen before they end up on the table they get boiled alive ore hang up in a tree and get hit wth a stick ore their skin is get of while they are still alive.
and when they are not get sold they have to run behind the truck with a rope on their troats back home where they have to wait for the next day and if they can not run any more the truck will not stop they will drag behind the truck untill they finally die ore will be still alive but have a lot of pain what is good for the adrenaline.
I can tell alot more story's what I have seen from the chinees people.
Why do they still eat dogmeat in this time in this century ?
The government once talk about stopping the people from eating dog meat but than they disided that china can be independed about that and just let their people misbehaving on all the animals.
even the zoo in china are allowed to mistreat animals they are pulling animals teeth out so that the people can hold them for the pictures.
What kind of people are you if you cant have a heart for all of those helpless animals.
China say's that they are a big country and that the people are very walking forward on the rest of the world well I think that china only is a sad and low country they dont'care for other creatures thats on this planet.
when I see all the animals suffer I cant sleep I wanna shout it out I crying my eyes out .
what if there really was a god ? than it would be diference but it isnt.
cant we , I mean all country's all over the world send an army to china and sweep the streets clean get away all the pour dogs and other animals from there.
and learn to eat the chinees normal food that is killed on a desent way ??
To start with the covernment of china they can make the diference.
so please sign this petition and we send this again to china and after a month we make another petition and again and again to hope that once they will listen to our screem for the pour and helpless animals the animals can not do it their selves.
so help me to try this out I will go on untill china is been waked up and understand that they can not hurt a helpless animal and make them convinced that hurting animals not makes the meat taste better its stupid to beleve that.
pain and suffer is the wors thing there can be AND INSIDE THEY KNOW THAT.
thank you for taking the time to read my scream for help.
it is almost 2012 the time to stop the chinees people with eating dog meat and other strange things just wake up china.
thanks from elles. less
you have the power to create change.
Start sharing and watch your impact grow
Dennis Davey, ON
Nov 26, 16:48
# 35,578
Sara Laureyssens, Belgium
Nov 26, 14:23
# 35,577
Drew Duerinck, Belgium
Nov 26, 14:14
# 35,576
Elaine Hamilton, United Kingdom
Nov 26, 12:42
# 35,575
jack Wilson, United Kingdom
Nov 26, 12:15
# 35,574
Name not displayed, Belgium
Nov 26, 12:02
# 35,573
Alfredo Gomez, IL
Nov 26, 09:56
# 35,572
This is horrible treatment of animals.
Alison Kwong, NY
Nov 26, 09:38
# 35,571
Emma Salmon, United Kingdom
Nov 26, 08:49
# 35,570
debby bockemehl, TX
Nov 26, 06:15
# 35,569
no living creature should suffer by the hands of humans.
delage laurence, France
Nov 26, 04:44
# 35,568
Name not displayed,
Nov 26, 04:35
# 35,567
Elle Sandhu, United Kingdom
Nov 26, 03:41
# 35,566
Emily Hamilton, United Kingdom
Nov 26, 03:41
# 35,565
Lucy Smith, United Kingdom
Nov 26, 02:32
# 35,564
Beatrice Imfeld, Switzerland
Nov 26, 02:20
# 35,563
stop this insanity, NOW
Alejandro Toro, Argentina
Nov 25, 21:07
# 35,561
Edisson Velez, IL
Nov 25, 14:25
# 35,560
rebecca cornett, MI
Nov 25, 13:58
# 35,559
Gradin Natalie, France
Nov 25, 11:56
# 35,558
Anely Martinez, IL
Nov 25, 10:43
# 35,557
Animal abuse needs to stop immediately. These acts of cruelty are unethical. I am a pet owner myself and I cannot imagine my loved one going through such abuse. This needs an end. NOW.
Arial Collins, AK
Nov 25, 09:41
# 35,556
Name not displayed, Russian Federation
Nov 25, 05:37
# 35,555
richard hanley, United Kingdom
Nov 24, 23:48
# 35,554
you cannot consider yourself a civilised country when the government allows this, it is your responsibility to educate your people to why this is so evil & inhuman.
Tanase Iulia, Romania
Nov 24, 22:09
# 35,553
tevita rokotuiloma, Fiji
Nov 24, 18:12
# 35,552
its not right
Lynne Davies, CA
Nov 24, 16:20
# 35,551
Shirley Schreuder, Netherlands
Nov 24, 15:00
# 35,550
We can judge the heart of a man by his treatment of animals!
Agata Olejniczak, Poland
Nov 24, 14:50
# 35,549
mina doriza, Greece
Nov 24, 13:45
# 35,548
Andra Dumitriu, Romania
Nov 24, 13:38
# 35,547
maeva bonenfant, France
Nov 24, 13:30
# 35,546
Alina Miscoiu, Romania
Nov 24, 13:28
# 35,545
Baron Morgane, France
Nov 24, 13:06
# 35,544
Capizzi Giuseppina, Belgium
Nov 24, 13:00
# 35,543
:( stop it !!!! it is inhuman to do that !!!
Mathilde Thielmanns, Belgium
Nov 24, 12:36
# 35,542
Humans are not better than animals. We got to stop eating them.
Jenny Maasdorp, United Kingdom
Nov 24, 11:29
# 35,540
china, come on, get a grip. Why do you continue to abuse, torture and kill animals for no real reason. You really are the pits. Bullys who ill treat the defenceless.
Marion Steger, Germany
Nov 24, 10:56
# 35,539
Stopp it !!! Now!!!!
Anna Gonstaw, Poland
Nov 24, 10:49
# 35,538
this is terrible !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Araceli Urquidi, FL
Nov 24, 10:25
# 35,537
Ioana Cristina, Spain
Nov 24, 04:18
# 35,536
Patricia Hackweth, France
Nov 24, 02:48
# 35,535
Giuseppe Colavito, Italy
Nov 24, 02:21
# 35,534
Christiane Kempf, Germany
Nov 24, 01:59
# 35,533
Jedes Lebewesen ist wertvoll
Mary Graham, United Kingdom
Nov 24, 01:18
# 35,532
Isabelle Richard, France
Nov 23, 14:06
# 35,531
Esther Richard, Israel
Nov 23, 14:05
# 35,530
Manuela Düsterwald, Germany
Nov 23, 14:04
# 35,529
Angelika Kurz, Switzerland
Nov 23, 13:27
# 35,528
Lara Grau, Germany
Nov 23, 13:00
# 35,527
Silke Jülkenbeck, Germany
Nov 23, 12:44
# 35,526
Name not displayed, Netherlands
Nov 23, 12:30
# 35,525
Neda JJ, Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic Of
Nov 23, 12:24
# 35,524
Cause it's inhumane & there should be punishment for this outrageous behavior !
Sabine Thiel, Germany
Nov 23, 11:32
# 35,523
massaro marie, France
Nov 23, 11:12
# 35,522
marcello de cola, Italy
Nov 23, 10:41
# 35,521
doriana basilici, Italy
Nov 23, 10:17
# 35,520
Tina Edlinger, Austria
Nov 23, 10:11
# 35,519
this is just horrible and not human so please stopp
Bettina jaros, Germany
Nov 23, 09:27
# 35,518
tanja dumont-krause, Germany
Nov 23, 07:40
# 35,517
Katie Dyke, United Kingdom
Nov 23, 07:34
# 35,516
daniel de lipsis, United Kingdom
Nov 23, 07:29
# 35,515
sarah skinner, France
Nov 23, 06:24
# 35,513
ilic vesna, Austria
Nov 23, 06:17
# 35,512
Roseann Branson, WA
Nov 23, 05:34
# 35,511
I hope these people die in the most horrific, prolonged and agonising pain...and even then that will be TOO GOOD FOR THEM.
Tanja Weber, Germany
Nov 23, 05:21
# 35,510
Corinne Forster, Switzerland
Nov 23, 03:10
# 35,509
stefanie busch, Germany
Nov 23, 02:44
# 35,508
Ewelina Niedobecki, Germany
Nov 23, 02:42
# 35,507
Nov 23, 02:43
# 35,506
Peter Bobbermen, QL
Nov 23, 02:30
# 35,505
Patrick Hochuli, Switzerland
Nov 23, 02:17
# 35,504
Yvonne Davidovic, Germany
Nov 23, 02:16
# 35,503
Sigrid Neef, Germany
Nov 23, 01:59
# 35,502
tania melling, United Kingdom
Nov 23, 01:57
# 35,501
katrin halboth, Germany
Nov 23, 01:05
# 35,500
Monica Matuszak, NY
Nov 22, 22:06
# 35,499
kearine paloni, Brazil
Nov 22, 20:38
# 35,498
Jirina Vesely, CA
Nov 22, 20:17
# 35,497
Name not displayed, QC
Nov 22, 19:59
# 35,496
Animals have a soul , we can't abuse them to make money.. After all.. we're human?
Karin Hauk, Germany
Nov 22, 19:34
# 35,495
ciresica krancsis, Romania
Nov 22, 19:32
# 35,494
Kim Harnish, CA
Nov 22, 19:19
# 35,493
Mercedes Salgueiro, Portugal
Nov 22, 17:44
# 35,491
inge vercammen, Belgium
Nov 22, 17:24
# 35,490
Mary Halsall, United Kingdom
Nov 22, 17:16
# 35,489
This cruel torture has to change towards these dear animals as they have feelings and feel pain like we do and knowing just what these poor dogs, cats, have to endure is downright evil ...there is no need to put an animal through this horrific cruelty in this day and age ...period!!!!!!!
Jill Ashmore, United Kingdom
Nov 22, 17:14
# 35,488
Maurizio Gardini, Italy
Nov 22, 17:08
# 35,487
livia guimaraes, Brazil
Nov 22, 16:42
# 35,486
karen harwood, United Kingdom
Nov 22, 16:32
# 35,484
your a sick nation, it makes me sick to the stomach a human can inflict such pain on a innocent animal just because you believe it can make the meat richer in taste, your savages and I despise your culture, I wished I believed in reincarnation and I hope you all come back as a animal, and suffer the pain these poor animals go through, I hate u like a lot of us in this world
mimmi simonsen, Sweden
Nov 22, 16:32
# 35,483
manuela fiera, Italy
Nov 22, 16:31
# 35,482
margarete weigert, Germany
Nov 22, 16:28
# 35,481
Name not displayed, Italy
Nov 22, 16:05
# 35,480
Elke Kaunerth, Germany
Nov 22, 15:54
# 35,479
xavier vania, Brazil
Nov 22, 15:45
# 35,478
Dieta Claussen, Germany
Nov 22, 15:42
# 35,477
Gregor Aleksandrovic, Switzerland
Nov 22, 15:26
# 35,476
rosanna marchese, Italy
Nov 22, 15:15
# 35,475
Fernando Assef, Brazil
Nov 22, 15:11
# 35,474
Anja Kögler, Germany
Nov 22, 14:56
# 35,473
Luciana Cesari, Italy
Nov 22, 14:17
# 35,472
Beata Puknel, Poland
Nov 22, 14:15
# 35,471
Renata Anderson, Germany
Nov 22, 14:03
# 35,470
Therese Berg, New Zealand
Nov 22, 14:00
# 35,469
they need to be taught to eat normal food, not pets!
Evelyn Güzelsahin, Switzerland
Nov 22, 13:52
# 35,468
Monika Roth, Germany
Nov 22, 13:43
# 35,467
Sylvia herrmann, Germany
Nov 22, 13:00
# 35,466
joanna kaszycka, Ireland
Nov 22, 12:50
# 35,465
Ina Friedrich, Germany
Nov 22, 12:29
# 35,464
Claudia Sardellitti, Italy
Nov 22, 12:24
# 35,463
Francesca Sanarica, Italy
Nov 22, 12:09
# 35,462
ajay jadhav, India
Nov 22, 11:55
# 35,461
do you still need a reason after this.
Alina Grozescu, Romania
Nov 22, 11:54
# 35,460
Nadine Jarausch, Germany
Nov 22, 11:49
# 35,459
uta mentel, Germany
Nov 22, 11:36
# 35,458
caroline Zinner, Germany
Nov 22, 11:24
# 35,457
anita curry, CA
Nov 22, 10:56
# 35,456
The reason this has to stop because it is unethical. How would you feel if someone tied you down and ripped all off your hair while you are alive, I don't think you would appeciate it. China needs to have a law for animal welfare. Stop killing and abusing animals for fur and leather etc.
Ivano Bobbi, Switzerland
Nov 22, 10:53
# 35,455
ORSOLA elisabeth, France
Nov 22, 10:43
# 35,454
angelica intranuovo, Italy
Nov 22, 10:35
# 35,453
mina rad, QC
Nov 22, 10:20
# 35,452
Marika Schlegel, Germany
Nov 22, 10:14
# 35,451
Melanie Jacobi, Germany
Nov 22, 09:15
# 35,450
Martina Hasimausi, Germany
Nov 22, 09:11
# 35,449
Karolina Piwowarska, Poland
Nov 22, 08:39
# 35,448
Thorsten Bruns, Germany
Nov 22, 08:34
# 35,447
Brigitte park, Germany
Nov 22, 08:32
# 35,446
francesca pala, Italy
Nov 22, 08:18
# 35,445
susanna wise, South Africa
Nov 22, 08:10
# 35,444
rusconi cristina, Switzerland
Nov 22, 07:51
# 35,443
Sigrid Seitz, Germany
Nov 22, 07:47
# 35,442
Mayumi Tokumori, Japan
Nov 22, 07:31
# 35,441
Christel Jorilldatter, Norway
Nov 22, 07:30
# 35,440
Stop this evilness. Animals can feel pain like humans too.
angela nigra, Italy
Nov 22, 07:28
# 35,439
de molina macha, France
Nov 22, 07:26
# 35,438
daniela ruggiero, Italy
Nov 22, 07:13
# 35,437
Pia Bogart, Sweden
Nov 22, 06:52
# 35,436
Kamila Pasterczyk, Poland
Nov 22, 06:34
# 35,435
Nie mogÄ uwierzyÄ Å¼e coÅ takiego ma miejsce że ludzie w traki sposób mogÄ
traktowaÄ drugÄ
istote żyjÄ
ca czujÄ
!!trzeba temu jak najszybciej a nawet natychmiast zaradziÄ!!!zakaz importu futer zakaz wyrabiania tych futer!!! zakaz takiego okrucieÅstwa wobec zwierzÄ
t!!!!!!BÅagam Boga aby sie udaÅo zmienic los tych zwierzÄ
Paula Dwyer, United Kingdom
Nov 22, 06:34
# 35,434
mitan florica, Romania
Nov 22, 06:33
# 35,433
Stephanie Schmid, Germany
Nov 22, 06:29
# 35,432
melanie stehfest, Germany
Nov 22, 06:19
# 35,431
Danny Freibote, Germany
Nov 22, 06:13
# 35,430
Mirela Dumitru, Romania
Nov 22, 06:12
# 35,429
lea santaniello, Italy
Nov 22, 06:06
# 35,428
Jutta Bojahr, Germany
Nov 22, 05:52
# 35,427
Nov 22, 05:47
# 35,426
stop this cruel abuse
anke dute, Germany
Nov 22, 05:34
# 35,425
Jolene Grey, South Africa
Nov 22, 05:33
# 35,424
arianna maisano, Italy
Nov 22, 05:32
# 35,423
Non chiedo molto. Ma se grazie a me anche un solo animale sarà stato aiutato, liberato, adottato oppure non sarà stato ucciso, se grazie a me anche un solo animale avrà trovato la sua felicità , io avrò raggiunto il mio traguardo. Ogni animale salvato è una vittoria, perché ogni vita vale!
Adrian Eichner, Germany
Nov 22, 05:32
# 35,422
adriana solazzo, Italy
Nov 22, 05:25
# 35,421
Nov 22, 05:20
# 35,420
Alexandra Caetano, Portugal
Nov 22, 05:14
# 35,419
Otilia Morcov, Romania
Nov 22, 05:13
# 35,418
Karla Faulkner, TX
Nov 22, 05:11
# 35,417
Katharina Salger-Mayer, Germany
Nov 22, 04:52
# 35,416
sonia di grazia, Italy
Nov 22, 04:42
# 35,415
Michal Grudziaz, Ireland
Nov 22, 04:31
# 35,414
Cristina gattei, Italy
Nov 22, 04:28
# 35,413
Martina Bincke, Germany
Nov 22, 04:26
# 35,412
Sandra Åledź, Poland
Nov 22, 04:17
# 35,411
gabriela lehmann, Switzerland
Nov 22, 04:17
# 35,410
Yvonne Domschke, Germany
Nov 22, 04:13
# 35,409
Evelyn Ersntberger, Germany
Nov 22, 04:10
# 35,408
luisa riva, Italy
Nov 22, 04:01
# 35,407
Nov 22, 03:50
# 35,406
J Stembridge, United Kingdom
Nov 22, 03:39
# 35,405
So cruel - what about humane ways..... surely they can't be that ignorant in China, but sadly they are
giuseppe gioia, Italy
Nov 22, 03:10
# 35,404
Elzbieta Gosciniak, Poland
Nov 22, 03:05
# 35,403
Iwona Kulesza, Poland
Nov 22, 03:03
# 35,402
Stephanie Jaeger, Germany
Nov 22, 03:04
# 35,401
Kamila Mazurek, Poland
Nov 22, 02:52
# 35,400
Lukasz Kopanski, United Kingdom
Nov 22, 02:43
# 35,399
claudia reuter, Germany
Nov 22, 02:38
# 35,398
Astrid Kleian, Netherlands
Nov 22, 02:35
# 35,397
Jolanta Klups, Poland
Nov 22, 02:36
# 35,396
Name not displayed, Italy
Nov 22, 02:33
# 35,395
Dagmar Seiler, Germany
Nov 22, 02:31
# 35,394
Ruth Seidel, Germany
Nov 22, 02:26
# 35,393
Veronika SouÄková, Czech Republic
Nov 22, 02:11
# 35,392
Sandu Madalina, Romania
Nov 22, 01:57
# 35,391
Nov 22, 01:41
# 35,390
zaneta k., United Kingdom
Nov 22, 01:30
# 35,389
Nov 22, 01:13
# 35,388
Elinor Taylor, NY
Nov 22, 00:56
# 35,387
henlury chua, Qatar
Nov 22, 00:43
# 35,386
Kis Krisztina, Hungary
Nov 22, 00:41
# 35,385
Larissa Shushunova, Russian Federation
Nov 22, 00:14
# 35,384
People are much worse than animals if they treat animals like that!
Svetlana Klammler, Austria
Nov 22, 00:13
# 35,383
Help this Animals Save them!!!!
Noel Winkelmann, Denmark
Nov 22, 00:12
# 35,382
Because animals have rights!! And torture and murder on animals in barbaric ways like this should be punished with grave penalties!!!
Andrea Günther, Germany
Nov 22, 00:10
# 35,381
Cherise Pieterse, South Africa
Nov 22, 00:07
# 35,380
Eniko Benedek, Hungary
Nov 21, 23:52
# 35,379
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