The two aging Diablo Canyon reactors are a catastrophe equal to the disaster at Fukushima just waiting to happen. They are riddled with defects, can’t withstand potential seismic shocks from five major nearby fault lines, violate state water quality laws and are vulnerable to tsunamis and fire. A report from NRC inspector Michael Peck, buried by the NRC for a year, says new fault line discoveries challenge the reactor's "presumption of nuclear safety". Peck has a doctorate in nuclear safety and was the site's NRC inspector for 5 years. Diablo Canyon’s twin reactors sit eight miles west of San Luis Obispo, between Los Angeles and San Francisco, surrounded by earthquake faults. When the next earthquake occurs, the radiation cloud which would be released from the crumbling reactors would cover North America in 4 days.Many other scientists have warned of the dangers should an earthquake occur. The Diablo Canyon reactors must be closed now, before the disaster of an American Fukushima happens here.