The US government will now allow big oil to use sonic canons to explore the entire east coast of the US for oil deposits. By their and our governments admission these sonic bombs will kill and mame hundreds of thousands of sea animals.
These ' canons' are over a thousand times more powerful than their land counterparts and as such will cause seismic concussions that will deafen and kill sea life for miles in it's path. The seismic waves will undoubtedly disturb and destroy the sea beds where sea animals of all kinds have their feeding grounds and nurseries.
If fracking is any method to compare in terms of the type of irresponsible damage that will occur on the the ocean floor, we can also expect undersea landslides and fault disruptions that very well will lead to earthquakes and tsunamis.
Oil companies have proven over and over that they are not responsible for their exploration and drilling and the messes they leave behind are for the taxpayers to clean up. This is an abomination and our government once again is going to let the oil companies run without restraint or liability in a murderous rampage in our oceans.
Please sign this petition to the President telling him that we will not stand for this outrage.
President Barack Obama
Whitehouse, Washington DC
Allowing oil and gas companies to use lethal sonic canons along the entire eastern sea coast will cause devastating and permanent damage to sea life and their feeding and breeding grounds.
There is also the fear that the seismic ramifications from these canons could also cause earthquakes and tsunamis.
Our oceans and sealife are imperiled as it is without this destructive onslaught which will only truly benefit the oil companies. We must move on to renewable energy and halt the damage to our earth and atmosphere that is the result of fossil fuels.
Do not allow this type of testing to take place.
Thank You,
Cathy Hennessy
Brevard, NC