It is the lowest and merciless act of all to kill animals. These animals suffer before they at last die.
It is unforgivable.
It is disgusting and has to stop.
Yes, In China it is a tradition. That is all very well, but it is the way in which they are killed. They shouldn't kill any animal this way.
How can anyone be so cruel?
Some Chinese say some cultures eat cow and others pig so they say that they can eat dog.
Dogs are a pet not an item for the menu.
This Yulin Festival should be shut down and all the people who take part in these cruel acts should be fined and jailed.
God will punish anyone who is cruel to His creatures. They were created by His Mighty Hands for pets and that is all.
Please sign this petition and show the Chinese that we do not approve of them KILLING innocent and loving and giving dogs.