Please have Canada ban dog meat not all Canadians are aware of this but Dog meat is not illegal in Canada, most Canadians are unware of it becasue they do not consume dog meat but there are some traditions brought in from other countries that I beleive should not be here in Canada and we should try and Ban them from our country please do not take this as Canadians eating dog meat this is to change the law against allowing dog meat for consumption period Thank you
The government sent me a response to this they said that no one has registered to sell dog meat at a restaurant at this time but that does not help the fact that they can do it at home we need to ban it completly from Canada there needs to be a law that states NO to this period.
Dog meat is legal in Canada and we must stop it. Canada has allowed traditions of other countries bring to their country consumption of dog meat. We do not want this in our country we are suppose to be civilized. Please sign this so we can ask Canada to ban dog meat consumption forever. The Canadian government says it is ok to eat or serve dog meat as long as an inspector is there to watch you gut it. My problem with this is that there are not going to be enough inspectors to be in every restaurant nor will they be in homes this leaves our animals in a grave position. We need to ask our government to say no to dog meat and make millions of Canadians happy.