Hauling horses in double deck trailers designed for cattle and hogs is dangerous and inhumane ! The 71" height does not allow enough headroom for horses. They travel long distances in cramped headquarters. Their higher center of gravity when loaded with horses makes them unstable and prone to tipping over. This has resulted in many tragic accidents in which horses have been killed and people's lives put in jeopardy as the result of highway hazards.
The USDA has banned the use of double deck trailers for transport of horses for slaughter. The Horse Transportation Safety Act (S.1459) would extend this prohibition on the use of double decks to transport horses for any reason. Please sign this to urge your Senator to co-sponsor S.1459 to amend Title 49, United States Code, to prohibit the transport of horses in interstate commerce in a motor vehicle containing two or more stacked levels.
Dear Senator here are 5,000 signatures from people urging you to please co-sponsor and support The Horse Transportation Safety Act (S.1459) banning the use of double deck trailers to transport horses. These are inherently dangerous to both human and horses and have caused many accidents which are costly to taxpayers and life threatening as highway hazards. The USDA has already declared them to be inhumane transport for the purpose of slaughter. This bill extends this prohibition for use by horses being transported for any reason. Thank you for for listening to our concerns.