"A dairy farm in British Columbia has recently made headlines for its employees’ abusive treatment of cows in their care. The employees in question have been relieved of their duties and are facing a court trial. An underlying issue, however, has yet to be addressed: the owners of the farm claim to have had no knowledge of the abuse prior to the formal allegations.
Farm animal abuse is unfortunately very common, especially in large operations which consist of many workers and thousands of animals. The least fortunate farm animals are mistreated their whole lives without any escape. This particular farm, located in Chilliwack, British Columbia, was exposed by an undercover Mercy for Animals investigator who filmed the animal abuse while working undercover at the farm. Workers were filmed beating the cows with rakes, canes and chains while shouting profanities at the poor creatures. Many of the cows suffered from open wounds caused by the abuse.
Call on dairy farm owners to conduct frequent, mandatory check-ins of their cows to monitor the animals’ condition and prevent abuse."