Rally and Demand Prosecution for STARVATION!

  • by: Rosheen Rayburn
  • recipient: County Attorney Gregory Barber, Ector County Attorney’s Office 300 N. Grant Ave Ste 201 Odessa, TX 79761, GREGORY.BARBER@ectorcountytx.gov

We must all start to stand as “One Voice” in the WORLD.   Leaders way before our time warned us that society will be judged on our treatment of animals and that we must not be scared to be the voice for those who cannot speak. 
Please find a way to start to work together as a stronger alliance for an urgent calling to stop torture and abuse of animals and to prosecute those who do it to the fullest extent of the law.

Texas County Attorney - Mr. Barber, 

Regarding case number 14-1408. We ask that you, as the prosecutor, understand the depth in which the public sees this matter. This may be a dog, considered a possession, and a misdemeanor A in Texas. However, in several states this would be considered a felony and prosecuted as such. It takes at least a month for a large dog to lose half their body weight and reach this depth of starvation. The pain of starving and the hours of mental anguish seem unfathomable. This dog was locked in a wood confinement with two padlocks (which shows INTENT to keep the dog locked in without food or water). When she was found, there was neither, not even bedding provided. The temperatures were in the 20’s and lower during that time. The disrespect for life was clearer by the strewn beer bottles in her prison she slept on. If one were to realize that in a month’s time the accused had at least 672 hours to understand the scope of this abuse and continue without remorse. The second dog, while sick and emaciated, was not locked away from any opportunity to seek food elsewhere, so his survival rate as we see was higher. 

Rally passed away due to abuse, neglect and starvation. It is up to the state to prosecute on her behalf for animal cruelty. The interesting dilemma with this type of case is that you cannot hear her story, even if she had survived as Jacob did, neither have a voice to help you understand the severity of the torture they endured. It is important for all of us to follow these cases all over and to be the supporters that a child would have in a court case. 

The public would be satisfied with the same sentence Adriane c Mason received for a like offense.A Portsmouth, VA man convicted of animal cruelty after a dog starved to death will serve six months in jail, a Circuit Court judge ruled this week. Adriane C. Mason, 35, was indicted by a grand jury on the misdemeanor charge last April 2014.

Most law abiding tax payers do not have the capability to be so cold and calculating. Most offenders of this nature that go without consequences will not only do this type of behavior again but can become more aggressive with the new found power of not fearing the law. Studies show that most habitual animal abusers move to kids, domestic abuse or worse. Stopping it at the root early seems like an effective way to stop the growing trend of criminal activity. As you know many states are watching these types of precedent setting cases. Considering the bail for this accused is currently 3,000 dollars; many hope that he will be held accountable for the full 5,000 dollar fine x2 for each dog - available in misdemeanor A charges. To fully have justice served, it seems appropriate, that in this case this individual should be found guilty, they should serve an appropriate jail sentence to clearly state the prosecutors in Texas will not take this type of abuse lightly. 

With respect, we ask that you prosecute appropriately on behalf of the state of Taxes, Ector County and its voters.

Update #59 years ago
Rally got her day in court. Her website is www.rallyagainstanimalabuse.com and her facebook page is https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rally-Agains-Animal-Abuse/473805386062391. Please join the fight. http://www.gofundme.com/food4thehungry
Update #410 years ago
The owner of the Starved Boxers in Texas plead guilty.
Join their page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Rally-Agains-Animal-Abuse/473805386062391
Website: http://www.rallyagainstanimalabuse.com/
Update #310 years ago

Go the Rally's page for details

Thank you for supporting her.


Update #210 years ago

Louisiana on Aug 26th Braveheart who starved and locked in a storage shed to die will have his day in court. Our hero is alive and wellthis will be the 6th time in court try to prosecute for a Felony. NO MORE Delays! Please go to his page and LIKE it so there are voices behind him!


Update #110 years ago
We need 300 more signatures by tonight we have come so far! Please share and ask friends to join!
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