We support a proposal to close a small section of Windmill Drive. This will not only return land back to green Common but it will also prevent speeding drivers using the road as a ‘rat run’, a risk to parents and their children, dogs and their walkers, pedestrians, wildlife and cyclists.
Clapham Common should a green space open to all. The rat run along Windmill Drive runs contrary to this objective. Clapham Common should be a place of clean, fresh air. The rat run along Windmill Drive runs contrary to this objective. Clapham Common should be safe for all to enjoy. The rat run along Windmill Drive runs contrary to this objective.
Drivers will still be able to park but not as a rat run.
Close Windmill Drive to create a 'No Through Road'. Give a small section of road back to green Common land for people to enjoy today and for generations to come.