St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Huntsville, Alabama, is boiling live lobsters to sell for fund raising for Habitat for Humanity and Honduran & Haiti medical missions. Lobsters die a hideously painful death and lobster divers also suffer. Does the end justify the means?
Most people feel uncomfortable about cooking and eating lobsters - and for good reason: Lobsters suffer severe and prolonged pain when cut, broiled, or boiled alive. Lobsters can cover 100 miles or more each year - - the equivalent of a human walking from Maine to Florida. Like dolphins, lobsters use complicated signals to explore and establish social relationships. Lobsters are typically killed to be eaten by being boiled alive, frozen to death, or having the brain severed from the spinal cord. Lobsters thrown into boiling water thrash about wildly and scrape the sides of the pot in a desperate attempt to escape. This unnecessary torture goes on for three minutes until the nervous system is completely destroyed. And what about the lobster divers?
Please sign this petition and contact St. Thomas at 256 880-0247; email: