Daily Record, a national newspaper which distributes in Scotland, UK has regularly been publishing articles about dog attacks and about a year ago, they started a petition (as they like to call it) titled 'Stop the Dangerous Dog's.' Each time these posts appear on their Facebook page, I leave them rather harsh comments informing them that there are no bad dog's, just bad owners, however, each time, they fail to accept human responsibility. There have been numerous other people on their page that have told them all the same but they chose to ignore their readers. I have stopped reading their paper but still have their Facebook page as it's the only way I can monitor them.
I'm asking all true animal lovers and those against BSL to please sign this petition and stop these uneducated idiots from carrying out a mass cull and end the hatred. I want their petition removed and for them to accept that they're blaming the wrong end of the leash. I am planning to write to MP's of the UK and urge them to change the law but I'm determined to win this battle with them first.
Here is a link to their Facebook page, I'm sure if you search through it then you'll find some of their 'Dangerous Dog's' post. The latest one was posted on 4th October 2014.
Dear Sir/Madam
We, the undersigned, are Animal Activists and we cover a wide range of topics when it comes to animal welfare. One of which is BSL (Breed Specific Legislation.) BSL is when specific breeds of dog's, the biggest example being Pit Bulls are singled out and labeled as 'dangerous' purely because of their breed.
Newspapers are largely responsible for this form of discrimination as they never publish the good side of these dogs and the continually put fear in people by providing them with false information and refusing to accept that the blame lies with the dog's owners. Although this petition solely mentions Scottish Newspaper, Daily Record, it is aimed at the press as a whole.
I am calling upon you to place restrictions on articles such as this and help us activists make a stand. We can stop dog's from being mistreated and wrongly trained by their owners by vetting each potential owner that comes along, this in turn, will stop attacks from being frequent whereas, signing your name on Daily Record's petition and hoping for the best will not.
Here is a link which will provide you with more information about BSL.