Extending The Animal Cruelty Sentence
Every day, hundreds of thousands of animals are being beaten, tortured and killed. In circuses, zoos, rodeos animals are being starved, beaten, given electric shocks all in order to perform concert performances. People see animals as mindless decorations, or a convenient punching bag, or something to be stepped on for material gain and these type of people are still walking around outside right now. 65% of people who commit this crime actually go to jail and get a fine. We believe that beating and murdering animals is just as bad as killing humans, if not worse as they can't defend themselves. As of right now, the punishment is a $20,000 and imprisonment of up to 1 year. With this petition we are hoping to raise this by a substantial amount like $100,000 fine and imprisonment of 10 to 15 years and we are willing to do this by showing a petition of 250,000 people.
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