Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to demand that the United States legislators take a firm stand regarding exotic animal ownership and dealers. The need to crack down on these dealers who's only concern regards their profits rather than the health and well-being of the animals they sell or the public safety. Please help to encourage the legislators to crack down on the sale of exotic animals.
It is a proven fact that keeping exotic and wild animals in captivity is a death sentence for the animal; these types of animals need to live in their natural habitats in order to survive. It is not natural to keep an alligator, tiger, lion or bear in your own home or backyard; such animals cannot be tamed to love and cuddle their caretakers in the same manner as a domestic pet. In fact, with their inner wild senses, these animals kept in captivity can easily present harm, not only to their own owners but also to other residents in the neighborhood.
People who acquire exotic species want nothing more than a novelty, but since dealers market them as little more trouble than stuffed toys, most people are inevitably shocked by the responsibility, expense of specialized food, and space and veterinary requirements of exotics. Many people each year are fatally injured and nearly killed by exotic "pets." Additionally, many diseases are spread from these animals to their owners and other humans.
It is important that the legislators take the steps prevent people from keeping exotic animals, not only to protect the animals, but to protect public health, our ecosystems and taxpayers’ wallets. No one who cares about animals should be buying from dealers or stores that sell them. Please sign and share this petition nationwide in an effort to demand that the United States legislators take a firm stand regarding exotic animal ownership and dealers. The need to crack down on these dealers who's only concern regards their profits rather than the health and well-being of the animals they sell or the public safety. Please help to encourage the legislators to crack down on the sale of exotic animals.