The de-listing rule by the USFWS states that a state must maintain at least 11 breeding pairs of wolves and not fall below a 100 count threshold, any violation of said rule will result in a review and could warrant reason to relist the Gray Wolf to the federal protection list.
I feel through my research that Idaho is in blatant violation of this rule for the following reason. An Idaho wildlife official stated before a senate committee that at the beginning of the 2013 season there were an estimated 659 wolves in Idaho, he also testified at the end of the 2013 wolf hunting season the total wolf mortality count was 423. That left according to this officials own testimony that only 136 wolves remained in Idaho, if you count the pups these 136 could have produced , the count still could only possibly be between 136 to 160 by scientific stats of the number of pups born with each litter.
So far this year as of the start of the week of Nov.16th, 81 wolves have been documented and confirmed kill. This takes the total below the pathetic number of 100.
So Sec. Sally Jewell this evidence should prompt a Federal investigation by the USFWS to determine the wolf count in the state of Idaho and also Montana and Wisconsin. The undersigned demand ask you Sec. Jewell to adhere and follow your own rulings of the de-listing of the Gray Wolf.