Stop Australia from killing Great White Sharks
- by: Thys Basson
- recipient: The Government of the Commonwealth of Australia
Australia will kill any shark close to beaches, how must a shark know it cannot go to beaches? This will lead to the extinction of already highly threatened species, just so that some people can go for a swim, we cannot allow this barbarism to continue, please sign the petition to show the Australian government how disgusted we are by their idiotic, cruel and shortsighted practices, and this from a civilised nation that are supposed to care about the environment. Australians, tell your government they are dragging your good name through the mud, what would the great Steve Irwin have said about this? Read this article for more insight:
With respect to the Government of Australia.
We, the people of the world, are very concerned about your new plan to kill sharks that approach your beaches. We would like to remind you that it is not your sharks, they belong to all of us. You will end up killing sharks from countries like South Africa who are trying to protect endangered species like the Great White Shark.
People cannot go on killing sharks, they belong in the ocean as important apex predators that play a crucial role in keeping the ecosystem balanced. You must rather keep your people out of the water than to go and kill sharks indiscriminately. We cannot kill lions because they happened to eat somebody who came into their domain, it is their natural instinc as predators, you will end up killing every predator on earth. Humans are the worst animals to ever inhabit this planet.
Try to improve rather than worsen our bad record as a species.
Yours sincerely, the concerned people of the world who signed this petition.
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