Social network users have been outraged against crane operator T07-71 SSP for having deliberately run over and killed a dog. The incident took place outside the yard located next to the Metro San Joaquin, in the Pensil Colony from the Miguel Hidalgo. According to the Internet, the " . gruyero "had seen the animal. The crane operator ignored the protests of those present and - on the contrary he shouted derisively," It's just a dog" !, before abscond In response.
Internet users have already discharged a petition denouncing platform in which requires the regent "Miguel Ángel Mancera" intervene and punish those responsible. Unlike other cities, crane operators do not serve GDF tourist assistance or mechanical assistance. Under the euphemism of 'recovery of roads', his only work in collusion with police, is driven to find illegally parked or broken down cars and take them by force if necessary, to a vehicular deposit, for which they receive a gratuity.
Traffic fines are a major source of income for the GDF and crane operators are known for their arrogance and corruption. He thinks he's going to fet away with it but we have to stop him. He needs to be fired and punished severly. To him it was just a dog and that made it okay for him to kill the poor helpless animal. HE MUST BE STOPPED. PLEASE SIGN THIS PETITION TO PUT A STOP TO THIS MONSTER.