No dog whether 'former Christmas present', 'not so cute anymore', 'too old to be cared for and left to die', 'abandoned due to owners' divorce or moving house', 'abandoned due to owners' moving from house to apartment', 'too big for house/apartment when grown up', 'not fit for breeding anymore' and so many other discussing excuses we hear every day should die.
People should have the power to put an end to this outdated and unfair law that allows the authorities to kill them within 15 days. There are cases where dogs are not even checked for a chip until it's their turn to die! What chance does that give them??? There have been cases where dogs were 'unofficially' killed on the spot in front of the scared eyes of people that 'didn't know' how some municipalities act and called them to help the poor animal.
It would be easier and more cost effective for the authorities in charge of each area, to spay/neuter the stray dogs/cats chip them and put a specific colour collar on them per municipality, so that everyone knows they're being taken care of and have central feeding stations for them where volunteers would feed them from leftovers from food factories, restaurants etc. This would also advertise these businesses for free.
Volunteers currently run daily in panic and on their own costs to try to save, feed, protect as many dogs as possible and find homes for them in order to save them from the authorities! Does this even sound right???
Volunteers would be more than happy to take turns in feeding the dogs/cats at the feeding stations. This would just make things so much fairer. We would be able to easier sleep at night knowing the dogs out there still stand a chance to have their own home rather than counting the downtime till their death in our dreams.
Then municipalities, local authorities etc. would save money from cutting down on operating costs from 'pounds' and receive money from people interested to adopt a dog as they could have their own adoption packages with interested vets.
Animal welfare organisations can come in and help the local authorities by doing what they do i.e. trying to find a home for these animals in Cyprus of abroad. And they wouldn't have to beg for foster homes as dogs would not be in the immediate danger of being picked up and killed by the authorities. Euthanizing is killing... THIS HAS TO STOP! BE THEIR VOICE!!!
Dear Sirs
Please immediately reconsider changing the outdated and unfair law of ‘euthanizing’ dogs in 15 days.
No abandoned animal deserves this!
Have a spay/neuter and release plan for stray animals dogs or cats. Have controlled adoption processes. Feeding stations for them. Give them a chance to live!
Please act now! Their lives are valuable to all caring citizens.
All volunteers will support you!!!
Thank you.