I, the undersigned, would like to petition the MEP (Members of the European Parliament) to amend actions that would prohibit the fur farming across Europe and that the people who would violate this rule must be sued or given penalties when their deeds result to violation. The practice of fur farming in Europe has been very rampant for the past years and some wild animals like the mink are caged inside filthy cages in farms. The petition furthermore is stressed on claims that the methods in fur farming are not approved by lots of animal welfares because of the involvement of cruelty during the process.
Each government of any country in Europe must be implementing the banning in every corner they scope so that there will be harmony and synchronization on the legislation. With the lack of this proposed initiative, some would travel from country to another to do again the fur farming and would find it easy to do again the illegal act. Let this be given attention by all.
Thank you for considering my petition.
the underdesigned,
Lori Noell - Assistant Writer for custom writing service