It is appalling that this could ever be allowed! We Americans are fighting for harsher penalties for animals of all kinds that are abused and abandoned. By allowing this we are going backwards. This is utterly in humane and disgusting. The fact that this is even possible here in America is a black mark against our country and the people making these laws. These dogs do not deserve this. They help protect out country. They help the disabled. They search and rescue and especially on 9/11 helped us find our loved ones. They do so much more inclued help our military heal and give support and this is the thanks we give? They are not food! Please forbid the consumption of Dog meat In America! If we can't stop it all from ever happening in other Countries regardless of how many petitions we sign WE Can STOP it here.Please ban the sale of dogs for consumption of Dog meat! Its the leaset we can do!