The building wrongfully emplies care and concern. The Clovis NM Animal Shelter is a holding tank for an extremely large killing field for abandoned, discarded, abused, and neglected animals. Please help those without a voice.
• The Clovis NM Civic Center lost $222,488.74 during the last fiscal year. • Clovis’ Colonial Golf Course lost $168,782.70 in the last fiscal year. • Hillcrest Park Zoo lost $529,782.61 in the last fiscal year. Remember, taxpayers don’t receive free admission to any of those places; we still have to pay. And those numbers do not represent expenditures to operate the facilities... Combined, the total loss was more than $920,000 in taxes..." Yet the city can't afford 30 more kennels or a nicer animal shelter, can't afford to let rescues pull dogs without them paying full fees, can't afford to have the shelter stay open 1/2 day Saturday, can't afford spay/neuter before adopting out dogs, can't afford to supplement costs for High Plains Humane Society to offer low cost spay/neuter (even though this would SAVE the city large amounts of money). - Demand more responsiveness for abused animals; major fines and prison for continued abuses. - Demand mandatory accountability of all owned animals to prevent dumping if the owner arbitrarily decides "it's too expensive to pay for pets needed medical care." - Demand that ordinances be established that will not allow "chaining of animals." I want to know which city leaders care at all about the innocents who come under their control!