In poultry slaughterhouses, egregious cruelty is business as usual. I will omit the details to spare everyone the horrific images, but suffice it to say that these birds die in ways you wouldn't wish on anyone or anything.
That’s because the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) exempts poultry from the protections of the Humane Slaughter Act, even though birds represent 8.8 billion of the 9 billion land animals slaughtered annually in the United States.
We simply cannot stand by as billions of individual chickens suffer and die in the factory farm industry. We’ve seen chickens socialize and show affection for one another. We’ve watched them display incredible examples of memory and intellect. We’ve heard hens rescued from dark warehouses cluck with excitement as they feel sunshine on their faces and stretch their wings in the fresh air for the very first time.
They deserve better than a miserable life and excruciating death. Help speak out for these birds and all of the farm animals suffering at the hands of the factory farm industry.