Demand An End To The Importation Of Trophy Kills Into America

  • by: Chelsea Sanderson
  • recipient: Barack Obama, President Of The United States Of America

With the world still mourning the loss of Cecil, Zimbabwe's iconic lion, many realized that we need to take a stand for the wildlife of the world before it's too late. Annually almost 700 lions are killed as trophies in Zimbabwe. Almost 6 000 are bred in the canned hunting industry in South Africa. With as little as 17 000 lions left in Africa, from a population as high as 300 000 thirty years ago, we need to make a change. Australia banned the importation of trophies earlier this week, it''s time for America and the world to do the same. STOP THE SLAUGHTER! MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!

Wildlife around the world is hunted everyday as trophies in a barbaric and out-of-date sport. Globally, wildlife populations are shrinking at an alarming pace while we're losing species everyday. Don't believe me? Earlier this year we lost the Western Black Rhino to extinction. Yes, extinction. They're gone in the wild. What's left of wild populations of lion, leopard, elephant, rhino, brown bear, wolves and other large predators hunted for sport CANNOT afford to be killed for man's own blood-thirstiness.

Hunters can pay anywhere between $50 00-$80 000 to hunt these majestic animals who already face threats from poaching, habitat loss, disease, loss of prey animals as well as human/animal conflicts. If hunters can no longer bring their "hard-earned trophies" with them back into their home countries then maybe they'll think twice about killing off what little wild animals we have left. As the world's foremost superpower America should take a stand and show the rest of the globe that hunting is a by-gone era. 

Update #19 years ago
A BIG thank you from me to everyone that signed my petition! Please do share with your friends and family and get the word out so we can put pressure on global decision makers. If they dont want to ban hunting then they should ban the importation of trophy kills no matter what form they're in (hides, bones, horns, heads etc). Annually hunters kills over 100 000 animals worldwide and this needs to stop!! Keep spreading the word!
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