PLEASE Don't Allow His Grandmother To Take My Autistic Son's Dog Away

Hi, my Name is Shelley and I am beyond desperate to get help keeping my sons dog. Chad, our AKC registered Boston Terrier, was brought to us over a month ago on the brink of death, having been attacked by a very food aggressive Great Dane in my brothers household, where my mother, my sins grandmother, currently resides. He had a massive hole in his neck and she was unable to afford to take him to the veteranarian so the hole, which nearly reached an artery, was badly infected, and took hours of me and my husband removing hair and cleaning it to get it started to to heal. Now all that is left is a scab, but my mother wants to take Chad back into the home where he was attacked.

He currently is living in a safe, comfortable home with myself, my husband, and my two boys, and our very agreeable non aggressive female bulldog. My eldest son, Sid, is three years old and has bonded with Chad whom sleeps with him every night and sits on the couch with him most days when he watches his cartoons. Chad was my dog before I moved in with my husband. At the time, we were living in a small appartment and could not care for him, my name is on his AKC paperwork as well as my mothers name. He is legally my dog and, I feel, he is more so my dog because he came from a litter of Boston Terrier my mother and I bred while we lived together and I chose him to keep as my dog, named him, and paid for his registration and most of his vet bills prior to my moving out.

cHad will not be safe if he returns to my brothers home. He has a bladder issue and urinates without meaning to on the floor. My brother and his wife have BOASTED to me in the past that they have kicked and beat him after he had accidents. I left him with my mother so as not to upset her, but I am not willing to let him go back to being abused. My brother has repeatedly demanded she rehome Chad, at one point, my mother was even in contact with a Boston Terrier rescue in Washington in January of this year considering doing just that, and now he has a good, stable home where he is well fed, loved, walked, and pampered without two large, hostile Great Danes that have repeatedly attacked him and my mother's other Boston Terrier, Roxanne, to harass him and cut short his lifespan. He is a healthy, active dog that needs stability and likes to be around children, but in my mothers care, she being an elderly woman who has several long doctors appointments and pain management appointments monthly, he is often locked in a hot car , or left locked in a small bedroom at my brothers house without food or water while she is gone , often getting the brunt of their frustration because he damages the carpet when locked up.

Please sign my petition to help me keep Chad with Sid and myself and our family where he belongs and not send him back to being locked in one room, abused, and attacked by bigger dogs he can't defend himself from. He is nearly 9 years old, and could live a long, happy life with us, but if he goes back to my mother, who says she has contacted the police and has a legal rights to him, I am concerned he will be attacked again, bullied, beaten, or even killed within the year. Again, this is NOT the first time he and his fellow Boston Terrier have been attacked by my brother's dogs. Chad is a good boy. He deserves better. Please help me give Chad a better, longer, happier life.

Update #29 years ago
Grandmother is coming with police to try and take Chad away on the 2nd of April, please help me get as many signatures as I can so I can confront the police with this petition when they arrive to take away my sons dog!
Update #19 years ago
Attempted to get a restraining order against grandmother today, but was informed that is not possible due to the fact that she has not threatened to physically harm me or the children. Tried to get a low cost law advocate , no luck there either, no one is taking my concerns seriously.
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