Eliminate Micro-plastic in our Country and our Community
Micro-plastics are present in products we use on a daily basis. Those of us who are environmentally aware, know that this means each time we wash our faces we're sending thousands of micro-beads down the drain, and sending them one step closer to the ocean. There are micro-beads in our facewash, our toothpaste, our beauty products. Personal care should not come at the cost of the environment. We are sending pollutants into the ocean where they are ingested by marine animals. These marine animals are the same animals we eat! Micro-beads are not the only plastic contaminating our wildlife, and our food supply, but the tiniest problems are often the best problems to start with. Demand that products without micro-beads be easily accessible. Environmental awareness should not come at a higher cost than oblivion. We demand that micro-beads be banned in the United States not only as an environmental hazard, but as a health risk as well! Sign this petition to stand with the millions who know what a serious plastic problem we're facing. Take the first baby step to making a change today, and we will be able to move on to the bigger plastic problems tomorrow!
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