Pet World admitted openly who their dog "breeders" are on their facebook page, but quickly deleted the post when people pointed out they were PUPPY MILLS. Thankfully, I saved that list VIA screenshot.
They are one of the few stores in this area who still supports puppy mills VS helping homeless dogs and puppies. They support a vicious cycle in which the animals are the only ones who suffer instead of actually showing love and caring towards them, because there is more money to be made. Blood money or not, it's the same to them. They don't have to look at the parents, they do not care.
Not only that, though that is terrible enough. It was finally brought to public light what happens to their sick animals; Nothing. They don't get vet care, including recently a Leopard Gecko is such dire condition, it would have been kinder to put him down than allow him to suffer as he did for as long as he did. He ultimately died within a day or so after someone took him home, after staying at the store for a time. They made sure he had no chance. Their defense? He was give to them sick. So instead of getting him the help he desperately needed, which would cost them their precious money, OR putting him down to end his suffering, he was allowed to die a horrible death. Because that was free for them.
This is not an isolated incident. Having personally witnessed pets in their cages dead so long they had decomposed, been told by employees their "foster animals" (animals used to nurse live feeder animals until they sell for food) are used until they finally go crazy from all of the endless taxing on their body. And when they can't take it anymore, they are killed. This was said directly to me without goading - I wanted to adopt one of the foster moms. And he got a kick out of saying that.
It gets better! Behind the puppy mill dogs wall, is a storage area I assume, but they keep a lot of "rat racks" to breed their own feeders. I watched the man literally hit mother rats off of their babies, yank heavily pregnant does up by their tails and toss several feet back into the bins, including one who had such a severe head tilt she could only walk in circles, but was still being used as a breeding machine.
To this moment we still cannot get them to admit they've done anything wrong. They are delusional.
Take a moment to sign this, they probably won't care, but perhaps enough pressure will save some little lives and take that much more money away from puppy millers. PLEASE share! Consider leaving a personal comment for these people to read - it really makes al lthe difference to hear it from real people what it means to them.
Thank you.
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Pet World Hampton:
We, the animal loving community, ask you to stop supporting puppy mills. Buying puppies from puppy mills is the only thing that keeps them operating, boycott and they will have that much less revenue and reason to continue their cycle of abuse. YOU, the consumer, are their life blood, you keep puppy mills in business.
Provide humane care to your animals while they are under your ownership. We both know that Leopard Gecko who has gained so much attention is one small example. And many others have met the same fate. From fish to tarantulas, rats, reptiles, and the other ones depending on you.
Blame the employees some more, as I've already seen. That's an easy fix, fire them and hire animal lovers. There is nothing more important than making sure the lives under your care get the very best.
Admit you screwed up and people will forgive. You must, deep down, actually love animals, surely? Well, look deep down and realize you are killing them, you are torturing them, and you are making them live horrible, horrifying lives by supporting the puppymillers. Why would so many people lie, and say the things I'm saying?: That every time I go into your pet shop, I see sick animals, dirty animals, dead animals, and more and more puppy mill dogs you have bought. It's unacceptable, and it's without reason.
Care for these living creatures under your ownership like you actually care about them, stop supporting puppy mills, and I promise you that you will have my support and the support of others. Because it takes courage to admit you were wrong, apologize, and then do right.
In the end, you will realize there is so much more important than money. Take a look in the eyes of a suffering animal and you'll see how worthless the blood money is.
Thank you.
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