We all want the DUKES OF HAZZARD back on TV.

Well everyone....great news!We believe all of our hard work has finally paid off, it looks as if CMT is finally going to put the Dukes of Hazzard back on the air. Show your support by watching so we can keep the ratings high enough for them to keep it on. This is the information below that we are relying on:
Is Dukes Of Hazzard really coming back on CMT starting Sun, Jan. 5, 2014 at 2:00 pm ? Click on this link to see for yourself and be sure to share this message with everyone to show our support for CMT.http://www.cmt.com/shows/schedule/?seriesId=14528

IF WE CAN GET One million FANS to support OUR SITE. Then maybe CMT or other TV Channels will put the Dukes Of Hazzard back on the air. SHARE & LIKE!!! Stop in our site at www.facebook.com/pages/Dukes-Of-Hazzard/141747539218176

Please tell us why you want the Dukes Of Hazzard back on TV... and Dont forget to sign the petition.

Thank you for keeping the General Lee flying high! (laughs) It's ... just ... amazing. I'm thrilled that the show is trying to get back on TV, and I am applauding the folks who have watched it all these years, because if it weren't for them, nobody would care. Nobody would be trying to put Dukes back on. So I'm excited about it.
Please help us and Dont forget to sign the petition. It's been proved time after time, every time the show runs. It's family viewing. People sit and eat their dinner and watch The Dukes of Hazzard together as a family.
Help us bring Dukes Of Hazzard back on TV.
Your signature will be delivered to: CMT and other TV Channels
1) The more people we get to support our cause the more likely the network is to respond.
2) The more signatures, the more the petition will get noticed.
3) Shows what a true fan you are.

  Show your support by watching so we can keep the ratings high enough for them to keep it on.

Update #211 years ago
If everyone would sign our Petition other Countries will also pick up on this demand. It's still not too late to add you name to the petition. Thanks for all the help. We did it Dukes Of Hazzard fans.

Update #111 years ago
Well everyone....great news!We believe all of our hard work has finally paid off, it looks as if CMT is finally going to put the Dukes of Hazzard back on the air. Show your support by watching so we can keep the ratings high enough for them to keep it on. This is the information below that we are relying on: Click on this link to see for yourself and be sure to share this message with everyone to show our support for CMT.http://www.cmt.com/shows/schedule/?seriesId=14528
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