Commissioner Goslin - Help Eradicate Puppy Mills NOW!!

The Puppy Mill Project in Cook County, Chicago has iformed us that the ground-breaking new legislation that was just passed to stop pet stores from selling puppy mill - puppies is going to be amended because the people that breed and sell the puppies have fought back!!
They have now made a loophole in the legislation saying that so long as the puppy mill hasn't had any violations recorded against them in the last two years that they can keep selling the puppies to pet stores!!
This is a huge step backwards in what could be a ground breaking change to help end the suffering of so many dogs!!

"If pet stores started bringing in shelter dogs to re-home instead of puppy mill dogs, the public will start to understand about the overpopulation problem and hopefully adopt a rescue dog. If they don't adopt a dog at least they will have a seed planted and go away with more knowledge and information then when they went into the pet store. Chances are they might just fall in love with a wonderful rescue that wags their happy tail at them." - Wendy Ridley 
If you feel strongly about helping end the unessesary suffering in shelters and puppy mills please write to this commissioner who was one of the people who initially created the new legislation and now is being swayed by the breeders and pet stores to amend their original legislation!!
Please speak up and let them know they have our support to stick to their convictions and ending the abuse for good!! This is in Cook County which is in Chicago but it has to start somewhere!!
Please share this with anyone else that you think will care enough to speak up or maybe even post it on Facebook!!

Dear Commissioner Goslin,
I am writing to request that you not make amendments to the new legislation that was passed which would protect indefesible dogs that are living in horrible conditions in puppy mills. These animals are in fact living, breathing, beings, and puppy mills are treating them as breeding machines to turn a profit.  It's unethical to allow these exploited animals to continue to be sold in pet stores, whilst the unessesary suffering and death toll of shelter dogs continues to rise.

Your new legislation was a huge success, and I am asking you to please speak out and be that voice of reason for the innocent animals that cannot protect and speak for themselves.

Please don't allow these people with their invested interests in keeping these mills going and derail your good work.  At some point we need some good to happen in this world, as so many politicians are swayed by the economic gains of such unethical organizations.  We need some common sense and love from people like yourself.  

Please do the right thing and stand firm with your original plan!!  This would be a huge step forward to help end unnecessary suffering with animals.

Please uphold the new Companion Animal and Consumer Protection Amendment.

Every moment that is waisted - an animal is tirelessly mistreated & suffering.

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