Help free Lugnut & the bully dog breed

  • by: Kelly McCutcheon
  • recipient: Florence County Animal Shelter & the Judge who convicted him

Lugnut an American Bully dog, was wrongly accused and convicted for biting someone. The man changed his story 3 times on the stand in court and the judge already had him convicted and didn't even give his side a chance. He has a 2 yr old little girl as a BFF, and wouldn't hurt anyone unless she (the baby) was threatened. He is being kept in solitary confinement at the animal shelter until they decide what to do with him. Please help us free him and his breed due to breed specific stereotyping. We have a lawyer and she is doing all she can, we need some voices to help show he has your support. Thanks!

Update #310 years ago
Lugnut has finally made it home!!! He was released this morning and then taken straight to the vets office for a checkup and a bath because he was funky!! As stated yesterday, we thank each and every one of you for your support and hope that people continue to stand up for their animals. No matter what breed or type animal you have, if they are wrongly accused then they need your voice to speak for them. Thanks again and God bless you all!!!
Update #210 years ago
Just wanted to let you all know that we sincerely thank each one of you and that after the meeting yesterday, things are looking up. Lugnut was granted a new trial!!! Carrie went to see him Friday and he wrapped his paws around her for a big hug. I know he missed his people and will be super glad to see them when he is released (thinking positive). Thanks again for your comments, suggestions and support!!
Update #110 years ago
Just an update to let you all know your signatures, support, comments and prayers are greatly appreciated. Lugnut has a meeting with the judge and his lawyer at the end of this month to see if she will grant him another trial. He is doing really well under the circumstances. Carrie gets to visit him about once a week, but only through the bars. Please continue to share, we have almost met the preset goal. Thanks again to everyone for your support!!! God bless each one of you!
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