For many years people have watched the atrocities in Taiji, we have petitioned, contacted PM Abe, contacted our Ambassadors, IMATA, WAZA, JAZA and all to no avail. Last year Caroline Kennedy US Ambassador, Tim Hitchens UK Ambassador and many others across the globe spoke out against the slaughter of dolphins and whales in Japan, again nothing.
This year, pilot whales are struggling after their capture and one is close to death, Risso's dolphins have been slaughtered and babies and juveniles driven back out to sea, where their likelihood of survival is slim to none.
People are sickened by the cruelty, sickened by the trade to Aquariums and Dolphinariums, yet PM Abe insists this is tradition and Taiji's livelihood. This IS NOT the truth, drive hunting is recent, starting after the whaling ban.
After The Cove was made, their government admitted this was a cruel killing method and changed it to 'humane' pithing. We have all witnessed dolphins still alive being taken to the slaughter house as the method has not instantly killed them as it is supposed to. Video's are available showing the dolphins taking a long time to die, yet still nothing has been done. The only thing Taiji officials have done is tried to hide the slaughter even more by blocking their own villagers tsunami escape route to prevent camera lenses seeing into the cove.
It is not a livelihood for the whole village either, 26 men conduct the hunt on 12 licenced boats, ISANA will benefit from their subscriptions to the union and those who work in the slaughterhouse, there are 3500 people living in Taiji, that is no where near a livelihood for the whole village.
The whole world knows these are lies, the whole world is outraged and the whole world wants this stopped. You imposed sanctions on Iceland for whaling as they wouldn't listen the same needs doing to Japan. Japan has ignored an order from the International Court of Justice and the IWC and intends to continue whaling. The IWC scientific committee has said the hunts of Dalls porpoises is unsustainable and people have tried to include small cetaceans in with the great whales, but Japan buys votes and favour to prevent the majority vote needed to protect these creatures, the only way forward is to impose sanctions on Japan.
If they won't listen to humanity, won't listen to some of their own citizens and the voices of the world, then maybe they will listen to a loss of trade, a reduction in income and the only person with enough power to impose that is yourself.
Please listen to the voices on this petition and impose sanctions until Japan and PM Abe stop the hunting of small cetaceans once and for all.
For many years people have watched the atrocities in Taiji, we have petitioned, contacted PM Abe, contacted our Ambassadors, IMATA, WAZA, JAZA and all to no avail. Last year Caroline Kennedy US Ambassador, Tim Hitchens UK Ambassador and many others across the globe spoke out against the slaughter of dolphins and whales in Japan, again nothing.
This year, pilot whales are struggling after their capture and one is close to death, Risso's dolphins have been slaughtered and babies and juveniles driven back out to sea, where their likelihood of survival is slim to none.
People are sickened by the cruelty, sickened by the trade to Aquariums and Dolphinariums, yet PM Abe insists this is tradition and Taiji's livelihood. This IS NOT the truth, drive hunting is recent, starting after the whaling ban.
After The Cove was made, their government admitted this was a cruel killing method and changed it to 'humane' pithing. We have all witnessed dolphins still alive being taken to the slaughter house as the method has not instantly killed them as it is supposed to. Video's are available showing the dolphins taking a long time to die, yet still nothing has been done. The only thing Taiji officials have done is tried to hide the slaughter even more by blocking their own villagers tsunami escape route to prevent camera lenses seeing into the cove.
It is not a livelihood for the whole village either, 26 men conduct the hunt on 12 licenced boats, ISANA will benefit from their subscriptions to the union and those who work in the slaughterhouse, there are 3500 people living in Taiji, that is no where near a livelihood for the whole village.
The whole world knows these are lies, the whole world is outraged and the whole world wants this stopped. You imposed sanctions on Iceland for whaling as they wouldn't listen the same needs doing to Japan. Japan has ignored an order from the International Court of Justice and the IWC and intends to continue whaling. The IWC scientific committee has said the hunts of Dalls porpoises is unsustainable and people have tried to include small cetaceans in with the great whales, but Japan buys votes and favour to prevent the majority vote needed to protect these creatures, the only way forward is to impose sanctions on Japan.
If they won't listen to humanity, won't listen to some of their own citizens and the voices of the world, then maybe they will listen to a loss of trade, a reduction in income and the only person with enough power to impose that is yourself.
Please listen to the voices on this petition and impose sanctions until Japan and PM Abe stop the hunting of small cetaceans once and for all.
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